CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola materials
: The Committee decided to inscribe this property on the basis of cultural criteria (i), (iii) and (iv), considering that the nuraghe of Sardinia, of which Su Nuraxi is the pre-eminent example, represent an exceptional response to political and social conditions, making an imaginative and innovative use of the materials and techniques available to a prehistoric island community.
effective. Thus, all materials will be translated by the team in a timely manner, announcements will not only be distributed by bots, but posted by responsible team members. Responses will be collected and published in weekly reports, and at the end of the
(iv) translations and compilations, of those materials mentioned in the preceding three items, made by organs of the State or local public entities, independent administrative organs or local independent administrative organs.
Originale: These materials may also be so disposed as to be taken into the body by ingestion instead of inhalation. Reservoirs or wells would be contaminated or food poisoned with an effect similar to that resulting from inhalation of dust or smoke. Four days production could contaminate a million gallons of water to an extent that a quart drunk in one day would probably result in complete incapacitation or death in about a month's time.
Book Review: No Doubting Thomas. Turning points in solid-state, materials and surface science: a book in celebration of the life and work of Sir John Meurig Thomas, edited by Kenneth D. M. Harris and Peter P. Edwards
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, with the name of the uploader, and this list of conditions in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
I'm currently working on a page about Ippolito Salviani for the Dutch Wikipedia (I did not yet publish it). In order to find materials for the page, I checked with other Wikipedia's, to see what sources they used. One of the sources, also cited under the Italian page, is
Energy Star. The Energy Star service mark is placed on energy-efficient products. Energy Star logo. The Energy Star logo is placed on energy-efficient products. Look for this logo when considering your new roofing materials. Logo of the Energy Star program backed by the Environmental Protection Agency.
This photograph is provided by THE WHITE HOUSE as a courtesy and may be printed by the subject(s) in the photograph for personal use only. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not otherwise be reproduced, disseminated or broadcast, without the written permission of the White House Photo Office. This photograph may not be used in any commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
to invite editors to propose ideas along a specific theme. Because we ran a campaign last year, and some materials are being reused, some pages may not require much translation. Some pages, however, are completely new for this campaign. In terms of what pages are most important, the main landing page (
The original objective of this project was to give newcomers the materials they need to achieve their goals, and so now we are currently planning how we will use the information collected in the welcome survey to personalize the newcomer's experience. We hope community members will read
This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
. From the building projects of the French, ancient buildings have been damaged. Dress stones from the Roman amphitheatre were used to the build the barracks and materials from the Hippodrome were used to build the church. The steps of the Hippodrome were partly destroyed by Cardinal
official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations;
The purpose of NASA's Earth Observatory is to provide a freely-accessible publication on the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information about our home planet. The focus is on Earth's climate and environmental change. In particular, we hope our site is useful to public media and educators. Any and all materials published on the Earth Observatory are freely available for re-publication or re-use, except where copyright is indicated. We ask that NASA's Earth Observatory be given credit for its original materials.
Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
10 Gennaio 2022