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Frasi che contengono la parola meaning
Added: Coronary vessels (improving the appearance of the heart at the exit of large vessels); the enterohepatic circulation (with the portal vein, and the mesenteric and splenic vessels) and the meaning of the used abbreviations.
formations will 'cycle', meaning that they will become bouyant enough to lift the rock or gravel that they are attached to off of the sea floor, and will float away in the current or attach to the underside of the
I, the transition of the Roman state into the Principate, engaging closely both with the meaning of Tacitus' words and vocabulary and with Machiavelli's discussion of the rise and decay of republican states, the
supplies some, possibly partial, information about the intended meaning of a concept, especially as an indication of how the use of a concept is limited in indexing practice. The following example is adapted from
How people convince themselves that the Confederate flag represents freedom, not slavery: Historian John M. Coski examines the fights over the symbol's meaning in 'The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem.'
I have actually also been to Chukotka last summer and went to Anadyr, Cape Dezhnev, Wrangel Island, Herald Island and Kolyuchin Bay. There are some photos here if you are interested that I took which I have been meaning to upload to Commons to add to some articles:
The conclusion reached in this study is that the object was conceived in the shrewd milieu of the Italian antiquities market, likely at the end of the nineteenth century, to satisfy the demand of a particular foreign clientele. It was executed by a very skillful artisan familiar with the linear forms of the Italian Liberty style, but ill at ease with the iconographic and stylistic models presented to him: Attic red-figured vases and Arretine ceramics, authentic and falsified, by the workshop of Perennius. The voyeuristic meaning attributed by scholars to the principal scene is an erroneous interpretation of an Alexandrian love epigram in the decorative repertory of the same workshop
Microsoft has assured the European Union that the Office Open XML standard meets the European Union definitions of an Open Standard, meaning the specification is freely available and implementable by anyone.
The Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda: containing the earliest speculations of the Brahmans on the meaning of the sacrificial prayers, and on the origin, performance and sense of the rites of the Vedic religion
: When the arm is spun so that the thumb point to the outside of the body, meaning the palm of the hand looks forward then it is said the hand is supinated. But when the thumb remains in the inside and the palm looks backwards then it is said that the hand is pronated. In this diagram one hands is pronated and the other supinated in order to show how the ulna and the radius cross while doing this movement.
at Thesis defence. Typically, a docent manages a group of PhD-students or a subdivision of a research group. She often chairs smaller research projects of her own. While once a formal position that could be obtained through an excellent grade on the PhD dissertation, today lecturers apply to be accepted as unpaid docents, meaning that they keep their current job but may use the senior title. The docent title remains with the individual for life.
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
05 Gennaio 2022