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Frasi che contengono la parola method
Amendment to Annex I to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China Concerning the Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Per la nuova base degli Avengers, i Method Studios hanno creato una base digitale e hanno poi estratto i personaggi dal set reale, mettendoli nel nuovo ambiente virtuale. I Method Studios hanno anche collaborato alla nuova armatura di Iron Man e hanno avuto un ruolo chiave nel creare i poteri di Scarlet in CGI.
Debates continue, however, such as the questioned effectiveness of probability testing as a valid research tool. The concern is that this statistical method may promote trivial findings as meaningful, especially when large samples are used.Psychologists have responded with an increased use of effect size statistics, rather than sole reliance on the traditional
Professor Theremin's invention has made the deepest impression on me. Here indeed seems to be new country. I cannot say which affected me most: the method of tone production which suggests the miraculous, or the completely novel character of the tone itself. In any case it was a moving experience
Sketches of Indian Field Sports: With Observations on the Animals; Also an Account of Some of the Customs of the Inhabitants; with a Description of the Art of Catching Serpents, as Practised by the Conjoors and Their Method of Curing Themselves when Bitten: with Remarks on Hydrophobia and Rabid Animals
Sketches of Indian Field Sports: With Observations on the Animals; Also an Account of Some of the Customs of the Inhabitants; with a Description of the Art of Catching Serpents, as Practiced by the Conjoors and Their Method of Curing Themselves when Bitten: with Remarks on Hydrophobia and Rabid Animals
Chronological Tables of Universal History: Sacred and Profane, Ecclesiastical and Civil; from the Creation of the World, to the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-three. With a Preliminary Discourse on the Short Method of Studying History; and a Catalogue of Books Necessary for that Purpose; with Some Remarks on Them
Bottom pull method o per trascinamento: col metodo del tiro dal fondo la tubazione viene assiemata in colonne di una certa lunghezza sulla spiaggia e quindi trainata da un argano disposto su di un pontone (winch barge) nella posizione definitiva. Le operazioni di traino vengono sospese di volta in volta per permettere la saldatura sulla spiaggia delle varie colonne e lo spostamento del pontone con gli argani.
...derives from a method of tone-production that eliminates the more Italian quick vibrato. In its place is a kind of tonal solidity, a wall-like front, which may nevertheless prove susceptible to the other kind of vibrato, the slow beat or dreaded wobble
Scotter MJ, Castle L, Roberts DP, Macarthur R, Brereton PA, Hasnip SK, Katz N. Development and single-laboratory validation of an HPLC method for the determination of cyclamate sweetener in foodstuffs.
The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple's sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study. - Department of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Fertility Disorders, University of Heidelberg
Elucidation of Seventeen Human Peripheral Blood B cell Subsets and Quantification of the Tetanus Response Using a Density-Based Method for the Automated Identification of Cell Populations in Multidimensional Flow Cytometry Data
making an extensive analysis of Florio's translating method, pointing out the similarities between the Anglo-Italian and Shakespeare's style. For Matthiessen, Florio alters Montaigne for the sake of a fuller picture, the desire for a feeling of motion is the force underlying nearly all Florio's additions, and he always wants to increase the emphasis, to heighten and magnify. In practically every case these alterations of Florio's are dictated by a theatrical sense.
Gli effetti visivi sono stati forniti dalla Atomic Arts and Method Studios, supervisionati da Brooke Lyndon-Stanford, Justin Cornish, Josh Simmonds e Nicholas Brooks come supervisore della produzione con l'aiuto di Cubica, Lola VFX, Make VFX, Rodeo FX e Soho VFX.
My method to build knots in the Celtic or Arabic manner is explained on this picture. The knot is associated with a planar graph. On each middle edge, place a crossing. Connect this bits to one another following a maze method. Decide the upper/lower threads according to a guide. Inflate each thread to fill up its space.
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11 Gennaio 2022