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Frasi che contengono la parola middle

Geochemical and microbial controls on dolomite formation and organic matter production/preservation in anoxic environments: a case study from the Middle Triassic Grenzbitumenzone, Southern Alps (Ticino, Switzerland)

, ma il nuovo comandante di Clarke rimase favorevolmente impressionato dall'organizzazione messa in piedi dal predecessore e la 'A' Force e il resto del Middle Eastern Command continuarono a operare come prima.

, direttore artistico del Globe nei panni di Olivia. Questa stagione fu preceduta a febbraio con la performance della stessa compagnia al Middle Temple Hall, per celebrare il quattrocentesimo anniversario della prima dello spettacolo, nello stesso luogo dove fu fatto;

Dimorphismus bei Ceratites aus den Germanischen Oberen Muschelkalk (Ammonoidea, Mitteltrias) mit revision einiger Arten (Dimorphism in Ceratites from the germanic Upper Muschelkalk (Ammonoidea, Middle Triassic) with revision of some species

Note that the green portion of the flag was designed to represent the majority Catholic residents of the island, the orange side the minority Protestant and the white middle part peace and harmony between them.

Editors who use Firefox to edit with the visual editor had a problem with copying text. When they tried to select text that included footnotes, templates or block images in the middle they would often only get part of the text. This has now been fixed.

Per poter identificare meglio gli obiettivi, i giapponesi suddivisero Pearl Harbor in cinque diverse zone: A (Ford Island e l'arsenale marittimo); B (l'area nord-occidentale di Ford Island); C (East Lock); D (Middle Lock) ed E (West Lock).

e le tholeiiti di retroarco. Le prime rappresentano i cosiddetti MORB (Middle Ocean Ridge Basalts) che vengono emessi dove due zolle oceaniche divergono. Le seconde sono associate ad un momento estensionale alle spalle di un sistema orogenico di tipo Arco-Isola in cui due placche oceaniche collidono ed una subduce all'altra.

To be known from this book, may God uphold its value and to be around the centre of grace and joy its orbit, that due to the promotion of our cherifian kingdom affairs, the spread of its glory and its pride, the need to assign a flag that distinct it from the rest of the kingdoms as that our sacred ancestors flag use to be very similar to some other flags especially the ones used in the marine signs, our noble vision decided to distinct our joyful flag by making the five pointed seal of Solomon in the middle in green, asking the almighty god to keep it waving with the winds of fortune and ambition for this time and the becoming, Amen and peace.

Il suicidio e le diserzioni erano comuni a causa del tedio, della carenza di cibo e delle precarie condizioni di vita. A Middle Hill Battery, divenne necessario schierare le guardie per impedire ai soldati di disertare calandosi con delle corde lungo la parete della scogliera.

Gustavus Adolphus - A History of the Art of War from its Revival After the Middle Ages to the End of the Spanish Succession War, with a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Swede, and of the Most Famous Campaigns of Turenne, Conde, Eugene and Marlborough.

Detail of a scene in the bowl of the letter 'P' with a woman with a set-square and dividers; using a compass to measure distances on a diagram. In her left hand she holds a square, an implement for testing or drawing right angles. She is watched by a group of students. In the Middle Ages, it is unusual to see women represented as teachers, in particular when the students appear to be monks. She is most likely the personification of Geometry, based on Martianus Capella's famous book

Woman using a compass to measure distances on a diagram. In her hand she hold a square, an implement for testing or drawing right angles. She is watched by a group of students. In the Middle Ages, it is unusual to see women represented as teachers, in pa

Lexeme language codes ha-arab, sux-latn, sux-xsux, gsg, tlh-piqd, tlh-latn, bfi, pwn, enm were added. That is Hausa in Arabic script, Sumerian in cuneiform and Latin-script, German Sign Language, Klingon in pIqaD and Latin script, British Sign Language, Paiwan and Middle English. (

(Jews (...) are members of the Jewish people, an ethnic group originating in the Israelites of the ancient Middle East and others who converted to Judaism throughout the millennia. The ethnicity and the religion of Judaism are strongly interrelated, and converts are both included and have been absorbed within the Jewish people)

; gli aerei del RAF Middle East Command garantirono la netta supremazia nei cieli e contribuirono al clamoroso e inatteso successo, ma in mancanza di nuovi rinforzi si logorarono rapidamente nel corso della campagna tanto che al momento della controffensiva dell'Asse dopo l'arrivo dell'

she wore trousers with the mature suggestiveness of a Dietrich: her neat and well-developed rump twisted in the tap-dance: her eyes had a sidelong searching coquetry. Now in 'Wee Willie Winkie', wearing short kilts, she is a complete totsy. Watch her swaggering stride across the Indian barrack-square: hear the gasp of excited expectation from her antique audience when the sergeant's palm is raised: watch the way she measures a man with agile studio eyes, with dimpled depravity. Adult emotions of love and grief glissade across the mask of childhood, a childhood skin-deep. It is clever, but it cannot last. Her admirers -- middle-aged men and clergymen -- respond to her dubious coquetry, to the sight of her well-shaped and desirable little body, packed with enormous vitality, only because the safety curtain of story and dialogue drops between their intelligence and their desire.

si sono disputati i Campionati Europei (Europa, Africa e Middle East) di cable wakeboard: la nazionale italiana ha ottenuto il proprio miglior risultato di sempre, con la vittoria dell'oro a squadre nella competizione Open.

, allocated to Putney Garage (as indicated by the white AF letters). The RML class were a later variant of the Routemaster, a few feet longer than the original RM class, by virtue of an added half section inserted into the middle, as highlighted by the extra small windows. While Routemasters continued in London on the Heritage Routes (

Inoltre, YLS ospita una serie di centri che promuovono lo studio di specifici ambiti del diritto, tra i quali: The China Center; Global Health Justice Partnership; Gruber Program for Global Justice and Women's Rights; Information Society Project; The Arthur Liman Public Interest Program; Middle East Legal Studies Seminar; John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics and Public Policy; Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights; Yale Center for Law and Philosophy; Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy; Yale Law School Center for Global Legal Challenges; Yale Law School Center for the Study of Corporate Law; Yale Law School Center for the Study of Private Law; Yale Law School Latin American Legal Studies.

Polaris sits in the middle of the Great Bear and Cassiopeia (note the long dashed line) and is actually part of the constellation 'Little Bear'. If you can find Cassiopeia and the Great bear you should be able to find Polaris. It is not absolutely necessary, to find at first the constellation 'Little Bear', because often it will not be discovered before Polaris was found, and not vice versa. Ultimately (for example, at a slightly cloudy sky) is not even necessary at all to find the North Star to determine safely the cardinal direction north.

. In the middle left of the image one could also see a different set of the rays coming upward from the lake. The light source for these rays is the Sun's reflection. The image was taken at Stow Lake in

) Gules, an hexagonal castle Argent embattled with three turrets, the middle one higher and thicker, port and windows of the field, in chief Or, an eagle Sable crowned of the field issuant from partition

Genotoxic effects of pentachlorophenol, lindane, transfluthrin, cyfluthrin, and natural pyrethrum on human mucosal cells of the inferior and middle nasal conchae, Tisch M, Faulde MK, Maier H. - Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Bundeswehr Hospital, Ulm, Germany (PubMed)

(partial). Proximal small intestine, abdominal organs (pancreas, liver etc), sigmoid and rectum, aorta and inferior mesenteric artery are not shown. Pink - supply from superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and its branches: middle colic, right colic, ileocolic arteries. Blue - supply from inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) and its branches: left colic, sigmoid, superior rectal artery.

distribute free knowledge, usage of the Wikimedia projects in education, journalism, research; ways to improve content quality and usability; copyright laws and other legal areas that interfere with Wikimedia projects. Free Content in the Middle-East/Africa.

, made up of three horizontal and equal bands, the upper and lower are red and the middle band is white. The white band contains three or more small red stars (you can't tell from the photograph and I can't remember how many). Many of the demonstrators are wearing blue bands tied around the head with white Nepalese writing.

My method to build knots in the Celtic or Arabic manner is explained on this picture. The knot is associated with a planar graph. On each middle edge, place a crossing. Connect this bits to one another following a maze method. Decide the upper/lower threads according to a guide. Inflate each thread to fill up its space.

Esistono varie tipologie di linebacker: strongside (parte forte), weakside (parte debole) e middle (centrale). Generalmente i weakside e gli strongside sono rinominati outside (OLB) mentre il middle viene chiamato

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

12 Gennaio 2022
