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Frasi che contengono la parola normal
Il vate Etneo: conferenza tenuta a New York, in commemorazione di Mario Rapisardi, nell'Aula Magna del Normal College di Park Ave. sotto gli auspici del Circolo Italiano fra studentesse del medesimo Istituto
The neurocognitive profile was very similar to that shown by current heavy Ecstasy users, with deficits in immediate and delayed verbal recall, moderately impaired memory function, but normal expressive language ability and perceptual functioning. Extremely high pathology was evident, including depression and phobic anxiety. Severe problems with sleep and sex were also reported.
In the Italian system of control of constitutionality the possibility of limiting or modulating the effects over time of the declaration of unconstitutional character is not expressly envisaged (...) In the jurisprudential seat, nonetheless, techniques of decision aimed at limiting normal effects of the ascertainment of unconstitutional character have been widely experimented and assigned to many functions
Well, the original idea was to make a specialist shop for metal in general, but that's a long time ago. Normal metal isn't very popular any more, all the children are listening to 'death' metal now. I'd rather be selling Judas Priest than Napalm Death, but at least now we can be specialized within 'death' metal and make a shop where all the trend people know that they will find all the trend music. This will help us earning money so that we can order more EVIL records to the evil people. But no matter how shitty music we have to sell, we'll make a BLACK METAL look on the shop, we've had a couple of 'actions' in churches lately, and the shop is going to look like a black church in the future. We've also thought about having total darkness inside, so that people would have to carry torches to be able to see the records.
Cholinesterase activity in plasma and erythrocytes. A clinico-haematological study based on normal subjects and on patients with glaucoma, of whom some not treated with and some treated with anticholinesterases
vernalization, the artificial exposure of plants (or seeds) to low temperatures in order to stimulate flowering or to enhance seed production. By satisfying the cold requirement of many temperate-zone plants, flowering can be induced to occur earlier than normal or in warm climates lacking the requisite seasonal chilling
che impose la creazione di una scuola statale normale, facendo della New Jersey State Normal School il primo istituto di formazione per insegnanti del New Jersey e il nono degli Stati Uniti. Prima di tutto questo il
The underlying mechanism responsible for the elimination of sperm mtDNA in normal embryos is not well understood. We speculate that the process in some cases may be defective, allowing sperm mitochondria to survive and giving those with a selective advantage the possibility of prevailing in certain tissues.
This view of the International Space Station (ISS) was taken while it was docked with the Space Shuttle Atlantis and shows parts of all but one of the current components. From the top are the Progress supply vehicle, the Zvezda service module, and the Zarya functional cargo block (FGB). The Unity, now linked to the docking system of the Atlantis in the cargo bay, is out of view at bottom. A multicolored layer signals a sunset, in accordance with the stations normal direction of travel and normal orientation, this is also confirmed by the surrounding sequence of images.
e le scuole in tre enti separati per razza e sesso, l'University of the State of Florida per uomini bianchi, il Florida Female College per donne bianche, e la State Normal School for Colored Students per afro-americani uomini e donne.
Second Question - the thing with Polish Eagle is: White Eagle was probably a family sign of Piast dynasty, and this way is assumed as coat of arms for Polish Kingdom. This coat of arms became polish symbol forever, these days too. Kings from another dynasties (Jagiellons, Vasa and electioned kings) used usualy quaterly CoA (Eagle for Polish Kingdom and Chaser, mounted knight, for Grand Duche Lithuania) with own dynastic CoA on escutcheon overall. Greater rank had not a personal CoA of the king, but kingdom coat of arms. So it's normal to use in Zygmunt Zapolya CoA as an Grandfather coat of arms, a white eagle, and not a Jagielons dynastic coat of arms.
(I looked at the document, and the RGB colors, and I believe these make the flag look very faded. I am going with the CMYK colors, which not only uses the format other Slovenia Gov't websites ask for, but also looks normal to some of our photographs.)
Powerleveling is most frequently used in multiplayer games, where it usually refers to a player that is of much greater power assisting a player of much lower power in defeating enemies that are far too powerful for the low level player, but are easily and quickly killed by the more powerful player. Defeating high level challenges rewards the lower level player with experience points more rapidly than normal. In general this is considered a form of
is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task. For the person procrastinating, this can result in a loss of productivity, stress and a sense of guilt. The act of reading this article may be considered procrastination by certain employers whose employees are not permitted to view non-job related websites on the internet. While it is normal for individuals to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
12 Gennaio 2022