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Frasi che contengono la parola hooding

I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it.

I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

23 Maggio 2021
