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Frasi che contengono la parola helmet

Sul finire del decennio, l'alternative metal fu caratterizzato dall'ascesa di altri gruppi, influenzati a loro volta da quelli della prima ondata. Gli Helmet in particolare, con le loro chitarre ribassate e dissonanze aggressive, ispirarono parzialmente il

. In the version expanded of the photography is possible to see a horizontal white line in the left upper part (right of the person that contemplates the photography) of the helmet. Is the base of the antenna, that was cut in the original setting of the photography.

This is a disturbing image of a destroyed German trench. In the foreground the limp bodies of dead German soldiers lie amidst the rubble. It is difficult to distinguish the soldiers from the chaos around them, but four bodies are clearly visible. One man, wearing a helmet, has been pushed forward by the blast and, although dead, appears to crouch forward. The entire scene is a maelstrom of mud, splintered wood and dead bodies.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

01 Dicembre 2021
