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Frasi che contengono la parola how
The specific nature of the relation of Christmas to the then-contemporary feast of the birth of the sun, Natali Solis Invicti, has up to now not been conclusively proven from extant texts, no matter how much some sort of relation might make perfect sense
When I arrived in Treblinka for the first time, a large board was located in Reception Square. As I remember, on this board were noted ten clauses. These clauses stressed how the arriving Jews should behave. It is clear that in this written announcement the mission of this camp, in some way, was disguised. Maybe it related to a resettlement camp, but I know that it alluded to the fact that all have to go to the bath and in the meantime the clothes would be disinfected. In the framework of the re-organisation, Wirth ordered the signboard removed. In its place, the SS men would verbally announce to the deportees the directions which were until then written on the board. These short announcements were translated by working Jews.
In Treblinka everything was in a state of collapse. The camp was overstocked. Outside the camp, a train with deportees was unable to be unloaded as there were simply no more room. Many corpses of Jews were lying inside the camp. These corpses were already bloated. Particularly I can remember seeing many corpses in the vicinity of the fence. These people were shot from the guard towers. I heard then in Treblinka how Globocnik and Wirth summed up the following: Dr Eberl would be dismissed immediately. In his place, Stangl would come to Treblinka from Sobibor as commander. Globocnik said in this conversation that if Dr Eberl were not his fellow countryman, he would arrest him and bring him before an SS and police court.
Let Us Now Praise Famous Death Dwarves, or, How I Slugged It Out with Lou Reed and Stayed Awake, in Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung: The Work of a Legendary Critic: Rock'N'Roll as Literature and Literature as Rock 'N'Roll
A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crowne of Ingland, Divided into Two Partes. Wherof the First Conteyneth the Discourse of a Civill Lawyer, How and in What Manner Propinquity of Blood Is to Be Preferred. And the Second the Speech of a Temporall Lawyer, about the Particular Titles of All Such as Do or May Pretende Within Ingland or Without, to the Next Succession
The Death of Jean - The Turning-Point of My Life - How to Make History Dates Stick - The Memorable Assassination - A Scrap of Curious History - Switzerland, the Cradle of Liberty - At the Shrine of St. Wagner - William Dean Howells - English as She Is Taught - A Simplified Alphabet - As Concerns Interpreting the Deity - Concerning Tobacco - The Bee - Taming the Bicycle
This diagram illustrates how to draw a euro symbol, based on official documentation, and has been prepared specifically for Wikipedia and released to the public domain. ADF and BCDE intersect at D. BCDE, GH, and IJ are parallel. BCDE intersects centerline at C.
Judged in terms of the power, range, novelty and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive today. He is also a disturbingly divided intellectual. On the one hand there is a large body of revolutionary and highly technical linguistic scholarship, much of it too difficult for anyone but the professional linguist or philosopher; on the other, an equally substantial body of political writings, accessible to any literate person but often maddeningly simple-minded. The 'Chomsky problem' is to explain how these two fit together.
, Part of a monographic series on alkaloids providing coverage of the expanding field of the chemotaxonomy, structure elucidation, synthesis, biosynthesis and biology of all classes of alkaloids, this volume deals with plant biotechnology and how to get alkaloids from mushrooms..
The greatest lesson of the Second Seminole War shows how a government can lose public support for a war that has simply lasted for too long. As the Army became more deeply involved in the conflict, as the government sent more troops into the theater, and as the public saw more money appropriated for the war, people began to lose their interest. Jesup's capture of Osceola, and the treachery he used to get him, turned public sentiment against the Army. The use of blood hounds only created more hostility in the halls of Congress. It did not matter to the American people that some of Jesup's deceptive practices helped him achieve success militarily. The public viewed his actions so negatively that he had undermined the political goals of the government.
New version: improved detail, Gradient, and Longitude and latitude lines. Note: this version is slightly wider than those used on UK, France, Germany, etc because when I made it I did not realise how far west that little Portuguese island is. All thes...
at Castra Martis, in Moesia Prima, then called Moesia Superior or Dacia Malvensis. I grew up at Ulcisia Castra in Valeria, then called Pannonia Inferior, where my father served with the Legion II Adiutrix, and rose from the ranks to attain the position of tribune, that is colonel, of the Schola Gentilium Seniorum, Crack Regiment of the Senior Confederates. My aunt Mansueta, having through warfare become a widow, was taken as a wife by the dead man's brother, and this is how, through her second marriage, she is to me aunt and mother, and I am - as it were - my half-sisters' and my own first cousin. We are of Pannonian stock, but - as my name Aelius suggests - ever since the reign of the deified Hadrian my family has had ties with Rome, first as slaves, then as freedmen, and finally as free men
is working out on wikis where it has been enabled. I was hoping to talk a little about what the kind of work you do on Italian Wikipedia and about how the ORES edit filters and classifiers have been working out. Do you use any tools other than
. The new tool is for humans to review the work of ORES, to provide human feedback and oversight. The team would like to hear about how your experience using ORES has been on your wiki, and what you might expect from a tool like the one proposed. If you are interested, you can comment on
I'm Checking Out Now Baby; I'll Try Any Way; I Don't Know Why (I Just Do); How'd You Get to Know Her Name; She's Not the Only Girl in Town; If You Can't Get Her; More Than I Need My Self; I'll Have Everything Too; The Way I Feel About You; Don't Play with Me (Little Girl);
I'll Try Anyway; I Don't Know Why I Do (I Just Do); She's Not the Only Girl in Town; More Than I Need My Self; I'll Have Everything Too; I'm Checking Out Now Baby; How'd You Get to Know Her Name; If You Can't Get Her;
We may win an Oscar now and then, but an Oscar is not going to fundamentally change how Hollywood does business. I'm not talking about Hollywood stars. I'm talking about executives. We're not in the room
supplies some, possibly partial, information about the intended meaning of a concept, especially as an indication of how the use of a concept is limited in indexing practice. The following example is adapted from
Well, the original idea was to make a specialist shop for metal in general, but that's a long time ago. Normal metal isn't very popular any more, all the children are listening to 'death' metal now. I'd rather be selling Judas Priest than Napalm Death, but at least now we can be specialized within 'death' metal and make a shop where all the trend people know that they will find all the trend music. This will help us earning money so that we can order more EVIL records to the evil people. But no matter how shitty music we have to sell, we'll make a BLACK METAL look on the shop, we've had a couple of 'actions' in churches lately, and the shop is going to look like a black church in the future. We've also thought about having total darkness inside, so that people would have to carry torches to be able to see the records.
I can't think how anyone can become a director without learning the craft of cinematography. I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look. It was just lucky in a way that I didn't go to film school and just learned all this on the floor
), not all of them having been imported to Wikidata (but elevation on Wikidata in general is wrong). Fixing the comma handling in the template is not enough, don't know where and how to fix related Wikidata import issues. ciao --
. How-to articles on the subject of network steganography (Wireless LANs, VoIP - Steganophony, TCP/IP protocols and mechanisms, Steganographic Router, Inter-protocol steganography). By Krzysztof Szczypiorski and Wojciech Mazurczyk from Network Security Group.
Major and Thatcher: how they are related: So it really is in the genes. Thanks to a genealogist, and a merchant seaman from Boston, Lincs, we can reveal that Mr Major and Baroness Thatcher are fifth cousins (once removed). Catherine Milner reports
I Business Angel investono in tutti i settori, anche se l'esigenza di finanziamento tramite equity e non tramite il finanziamento bancario la si avverte soprattutto per le imprese innovative, per le start up che possiedono come asset dei marchi, brevetti e know how, quelli definiti come gli
how an interest in eugenics contributed to more fully and articulated and institutionalized Fascist concepts of race. No scholar has devoted more attention to this than Giorgio Israel, whose book Il fascismo e la razza will likely remain the definitive monograph on the subject
With only seven days and without being mandatory, different educators discovered how to edit on Wikipedia, indeed many of them mentioned that they had it as a pending to learn and participate on the free encyclopedia, but never had the time or the real chance. The enthusiasm was also present on social networks, where they shared the experience with the
The original objective of this project was to give newcomers the materials they need to achieve their goals, and so now we are currently planning how we will use the information collected in the welcome survey to personalize the newcomer's experience. We hope community members will read
This is a disappointing result, and our team has discussed potential reasons for the result and ideas for the future. Although we have many ideas for how to improve the help panel, we have decided to keep our attention on the
to provide guidance to newcomers as they do suggested edits, and to prompt them to do another edit after completing their first one. In user tests for this feature, demo videos were one of the favorite features, and we will think about how these might be added.
This feature uses the help panel to explain what to do after selecting a suggested edit. For instance, if a newcomer selects a copyedit task, they are guided on what sorts of errors to look for. They can see examples of how to rewrite the text. You can try this feature on
has a new question for people who created their account: language skills. The goal is to find out how many newcomers know multiple languages, so that we can learn whether it is a good idea to integrate
I can't think how anyone can become a director without learning the craft of cinematography. I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look. It was just lucky in a way that I didn't go to film school and just learned all this on the floor.
The Relation of a Wonderfull Voiage made by Willem Cornelison Schouten of Horne. Shewing how South from the Straights of Magelan in Terra Delfuego: he found and discovered a newe passage through the great South Seaes, and that way sayled round about the world
Continued working on the Query Builder. We focused on making it possible to query for Item values and being able to limit the number of Items in the result. We also looked into how to query for quantity values.
, I was very turned off. There were too many places to run around and too much stuff to do, and I didn't really see the point or the spirit of the game. I tried it again later, though, hearing from everyone how fun it was, and ended up playing it all the way through to the end. I was highly pleased. Each level brought some new unique cool gameplay element and I was never bored.
How people convince themselves that the Confederate flag represents freedom, not slavery: Historian John M. Coski examines the fights over the symbol's meaning in 'The Confederate Battle Flag: America's Most Embattled Emblem.'
Fate. Destiny. Luck. The prisons of man. People pass the time, enjoying the choices life provides: coffee or tea, right or left. As if it matters. We are all just spinning on the wheel. There is but one way to keep off the wheel. It's not youth. It's not beauty or true love. I know how to stay off the wheel. I control my fate. I have survived because I know one must be willing to destroy anyone, anything, even the things you love, to keep the gods in check.
When I was young I heard my parents and grandparents speak italian, but I learned most of it when I visited Italy, and some in College. I studied Italian in College at the University and I hired a tutor to teach me how to speak Italian. Not many of my friends speak this language, so I speak Italian mostly with my grandparents.
It's exciting that we can send the Deep Impact spacecraft on a new mission that combines two totally independent science investigations, both of which can help us better understand how solar systems form and evolve
Noisy Outlaws, Unfriendly Blobs, and Some Other Things That Aren't as Scary, Maybe, Depending on How You Feel About Lost Lands, Stray Cellphones, Creature from the Sky, Parents Who Disappear in Peru, a Man Named Lars Farf, and One Other Story We Couldn't Quite Finish, So Maybe You Could Help Us Out.
How to Profit by One's Enemies. On Having Many Friends. Chance. Virtue and Vice. Letter of Condolence to Apollonius. Advice About Keeping Well. Advice to Bride and Groom. The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men. Superstition
How to Write History. The Dipsads. Saturnalia. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus. A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting. Apology for the Salaried Posts in Great Houses. Harmonides. A Conversation with Esiodo, The Scythian or The Consul. Hermotimus
apply U.S. threshold of originality standards to this work, rather than the standards of the source country. However, in practice, it is unsettled whether and how this approach would be applied in real-world U.S. legal cases involving threshold of originality elements.
The Austin Chronicle: Screens: Inside the Actor's Superego: How A. Michael Baldwin got here (hint: It involves a showbiz upbringing, Oreo cookies, and shrieking armadas of flying, brain-sucking spheres)
I heard with my own ears how Wirth, in a quite convincing voice, explained to the Jews that they would be deported further and before that, for hygienic reasons, they must bathe themselves and their clothes would have to be disinfected. Inside the undressing barrack was a counter for the deposit of valuables. It was made clear to the Jews that after the bath their valuables would be returned to them. I can still hear, until today, how the Jews applauded Wirth after his speech. This behaviour of the Jews convinces me that the Jews believed Wirth
: When the arm is spun so that the thumb point to the outside of the body, meaning the palm of the hand looks forward then it is said the hand is supinated. But when the thumb remains in the inside and the palm looks backwards then it is said that the hand is pronated. In this diagram one hands is pronated and the other supinated in order to show how the ulna and the radius cross while doing this movement.
I want to know how much foundation is spending in scholarships, for how many people, and I want to calculate how much money would have been saved or better spent having the event in a country with cheapest flight costs.
A point system needs to be worked out as to how many points will be attributed to this or that item in the grid, and each member of the jury will award the points they want for each item. The average should be calculated for each item, and the total should be made transparent for each item when the choice is made.
Well in general 'spam' is adding links or content to Wikipedia which is only really there to promote a person or their web site. I'm not sure how many language Wikis have a spam policy yet, but the English one is at
insane it is not covered by good faith, but if I show insanity, it is OK. I think that is how it goes. I will forget Ggonnell, unless he does a Limowreck, and repeats himself. Both guys who enter such terms of attack, can only be dealt with by Rfcomment, and mediation, and arbitration. Until then it is my opinion, and maybe shared if it becomes obvious. There is in this, of course,
, costruiti interamente in lega leggera, che rappresentarono nella storia del cantiere una tappa fondamentale dal punto di vista dell'innovazione tecnologica ed avrebbero portato negli anni successivi un notevole Know how nell'ambito delle lavorazioni sia di navi tradizionali, sia nello sviluppo di navi ad alta tecnologia.
whereas he has directed that impressment for the navy shall no longer be employed; and of the tax on fine linen cloth paid by the temples to the crown he has remitted two-thirds; and whatever things were neglected in former times he has restored to their proper condition, having a care how the traditional duties shall be fittingly paid to the gods; and likewise has apportioned justice to all, like Thoth the great and great; and has ordained that those who return of the warrior class, and of others who were unfavourably disposed in the days of the disturbances, should, on their return be allowed to occupy their old possessions; and
Building on his pioneering work with Dr. Levi-Montalcini, Dr. Cohen discovered, isolated, purified, and sequenced epidermal growth factor (EGF), a protein that stimulates the growth of epithelial and other cells and enhances certain developmental growth cascades. Once the sequence was known, he was able to identify the target receptor for EGF and the mechanism of its action, providing a breakthrough in understanding how signals from outside a cell reach the inside of a cell.
, made up of three horizontal and equal bands, the upper and lower are red and the middle band is white. The white band contains three or more small red stars (you can't tell from the photograph and I can't remember how many). Many of the demonstrators are wearing blue bands tied around the head with white Nepalese writing.
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10 Gennaio 2022