CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola his
Although students of the future must make it their duty to seek a master, it is vital that they do so having made very sure of him first. A person of poor and narrow knowledge will be powerless to help them to achieve the Way, because his actions will be shallow, his virtue weak, his accomplishment feeble, and his resources scarce
If it turns out that the fox has no adequate reason to give for his behavior, you are to arrest and punish him at once. If you hesitate to take action in this matter I shall issue orders for the destruction of every fox in the land. Any other particulars that you may wish to be informed of in reference to what has occurred, you can learn from the high priest of Yoshida.
Seven seems to be the magic number for championships in major league auto racing. Michael Schumacher last week clinched his record seventh title in Formula One. A.J. Foyt won seven titles in USAC, while Richard Petty and Earnhardt each won the NASCAR Cup title seven times.
No liturgical historian, whatever her or his position on the concrete causes of the development and institution of the Christmas feast, goeas as far as to deny that it has any sort of relationship with the sun, the winter solsitce and the popularity of solar worship in the later Roman Empire
) discendendo lungo il setto ventricolare e si divide in due branche, una destra e una sinistra. Da quest'ultima si dipartono l'emibranca anteriore e l'emibranca posteriore. I fasci di His si collegano alle
Those who are familiar with Galileo's acknowledged works will recognize in the Cecco Dialogue many characteristic gambits of his, and at the time of its publication it was widely attributed to him. Such things alone do not demonstrate his authorship of the work, however
Bolender was in charge of Camp lll. In Sobibor there was a working Jew whom Bolender ordered to box with another working Jew, and for his pleasure they hit each other almost until death. Bolender had a big dog and when he was in charge of the platform workers he set the dog at the Jews, who did not work quickly enough.
In Treblinka everything was in a state of collapse. The camp was overstocked. Outside the camp, a train with deportees was unable to be unloaded as there were simply no more room. Many corpses of Jews were lying inside the camp. These corpses were already bloated. Particularly I can remember seeing many corpses in the vicinity of the fence. These people were shot from the guard towers. I heard then in Treblinka how Globocnik and Wirth summed up the following: Dr Eberl would be dismissed immediately. In his place, Stangl would come to Treblinka from Sobibor as commander. Globocnik said in this conversation that if Dr Eberl were not his fellow countryman, he would arrest him and bring him before an SS and police court.
The third day after the execution we were taken back to the execution area. On our arrival we saw a woman sitting by a bush who had apparently survived the execution unscathed. This woman was shot by the SD man who was accompanying us. I do not know his name. We also saw someone waving their hand from among the pile of bodies. I don't know whether it was a man or a woman. I should think that this person was finished off by the SD man as well, though I did not exactly see it.
During the years I knew him, there were no signs of any sex life and very little talk on the subject. I personally doubt that he was capable of loving a man emotionally, but there was no doubt he was powerfully attracted to the male body and was most likely often sexually frustrated throughout his life
He was named after his father, Niklas Koppernigk, but afterwards followed the academic custom of the time and Latinized his name as Nicolaus Copernicus. The Koppernigk family were originally German-speakers who migrated eastward to the province of Silesia in the thirteenth century, settling in the town known today as Koperniki, in present-day southeast Poland, close to the Czech border.
seventh, and the last, Auletes, who, apart from his general licentiousness, practised the accompaniment of choruses with the flute, and upon this he prided himself so much that he would not hesitate to celebrate contests in the royal palace, and at these contests would come forward to vie with the opposing contestants
Selectiores epistolae aliquot doctissimorum et eloquentissimorum virorum. In usum scholarum in III libros digestae, opera Simonis Verrepaei. His accessit. Breuissima de epistolis latine conscribendis Isagoge, eodem auctore. Epistolarum auctores indicat versa pagina
Newes from Spayne and Holland Conteyning an Information of Inglish Affayres in Spayne with a Conference thereuppon in Amsterdame of Holland. Written by a Gentleman Travelour Borne in the Low Countryes, and Brought up from a Child in Ingland, unto a Gentleman His Frend and Oste in London
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
Gijsbert Heikamp was filming with his cellphone at a protest outside a police station in Tsim Sha Tsui. He was outside the station, standing behind a barrier, when officers began firing tear gas from behind a fence. Two of the canisters went through gaps in the barrier, hitting him in the stomach and on the right arm.
are not articulated as structures in the nature of things, neither as immanent nor as transcendent forms. In this situation the reader is free to assume either that the author of these dialogues has not yet decided on an ontological interpretation for his definienda, or that he has chosen to reserve this task for other dialogues, such as the
Ratio vero astronomiae quanto sudore collecta sit, dicere inutile non est, ut est tanti viri sagacitas advertatur, et artis efficacia lector commodissime capiatur. Quae cum pene intellectibilis sit, tamen non sine admiratione quibusdam instrumentis ad cognitionem adduxit. Inprimis enim mundi speram ex solido ac rotundo ligno argumentatus, minoris similitudine, majorem expressit. Quam cum duobus polis in orizonte obliquaret, signa septemtrionalia polo erectiori dedit, australia vero dejectiori adhibuit. Cujus positionem eo circulo rexit, qui a Graecis orizon, a Latinis limitans sive determinans appellatur, eo quod in eo signa quae videntur ab his quae non videntur distinguat ac limitet. Qua in orizonte sic collocata, ut et ortum et occasum signorum utiliter ac probabiliter demonstraret, rerum naturas dispositis insinuavit, instituitque in signorum comprehensione. Nam tempore nocturno ardentibus stellis operam dabat; agebatque ut eas in mundi regionibus diversis obliquatas, tam in ortu quam in occasu notarent
Post viginti deinde annos Veientani rebellaverunt. Dictator contra ipsos missus est Furius Camillus, qui primum eos vicit acie, mox etiam civitatem diu obsidens cepit, antiquissimam Italiaeque ditissimam. Post eam cepit et Faliscos, non minus nobilem civitatem. Sed commota est ei invidia, quasi praedam male divisisset, damnatusque ob eam causam et expulsus civitate. Statim Galli Senones ad urbem venerunt et victos Romanos undecimo miliario a Roma apud flumen Alliam secuti etiam urbem occupaverunt. Neque defendi quicquam nisi Capitolium potuit; quod cum diu obsedissent et iam Romani fame laborarent, accepto auro ne Capitolium obsiderent, recesserunt. Sed a Camillo, qui in vicina civitate exulabat, Gallis superventum est gravissimeque victi sunt. Postea tamen etiam secutus eos Camillus ita cecidit, ut et aurum, quod his datum fuerat, et omnia, quae ceperant, militaria signa revocaret. Ita tertio triumphans urbem ingressus est et appellatus secundus Romulus, quasi et ipse patriae conditor.
Bernabos Vice comes D. Mediolani Imperialis Vicarius etc. Ecce factum vobis lugubre nunciare compellimur equum, et conveniens fore credentes, quod qui prosperis gaudere moscuntur; etiam nobiscum fiant participes adversorum. Illustrissima et amantissima consors nostra domina Regina Scaligera prout altissimo placuit cuius voluntati resistere non possumus nec debemus gravi suffocata langore. Spiritum suum reddidit Creatori. Eius transitus ani mam nostram gravissimo doloris aculeo pertransivit. Ut igitur una nobiscum hujus mororis videamini iucta debitum jacula suscepisse, et virtutes et merita prafata domina quibus in luce pra polluit; in suo obitu dignis honoribus memoria celebri de coretur. Volumus et universis nobis mandamus quamtenus vos omnes, et singulis visis presentibus in testimonium tanta memoriae vestes bruna vestris sumptibus induatis portetisque, per annum et rescribatis nobis de receptis his, et quicquid fiet post modum in praemissis. - Data Mediolani XVIII iunii MCCCLXXXIIII
Just to clear up any confusion I did not put in that Giorgio Napolitano is a Roman Catholic. I simply stumbled upon the article and saw that another user had previously put his religion as Catholic so I just added a link to
Cyriac of Ancona was the most enterprising and prolific recorder of Greek and Roman antiquities in the fifteenth century and the accuracy of his records entitles him to be called the founding father of modern classical archeology
We found him lame in bed, of a scalded foot (or leg). There no inactive, though sixty-seven years old, but hard-working on a bed covered with books sat he up like one of the Antique patriarchs, or a dying Michelangelo. Thus and there was he making in the leaves of a great book (folio) the sublimest designs from his (not superior) Dante.
The Bloudy Tenent yet more Bloudy: by Mr. Cotton's Endeavor to wash it white in the Bloud of the Lamb; of whose precious Bloud, spilt in the Bloud of his Servants; and of the Bloud of Millions spilt in former and later Wars for Conscience sake, that most Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for cause of Conscience, upon, a second Tryal is found more apparently and more notoriously guilty, etc.
We never learn the precise nature for Montresor's animosity, although if he is a devout Roman Catholic and Fortunato is a Mason, there would be sufficient ground for his feelings. During the later eighteenth century animosities developed between the Roman Catholic Church and the Masons.
Untrodden fields of anthropology: by Dr. Jacobus; based on the diaries of his thirty years' practice as a French government army-surgeon and physician in Asia, Oceania, America, Africa, recording his experiences, experiments and discoveries in the sex relations and the racial practices of the arts of love in the sex life of the strange peoples of four continents
Lycidus: Or The Lover in Fashion. Being an Account from Lycidus to Lysander, of his Voyage from the Island of Love. From the French. By the Same Author Of the Voyage to the Isle of Love. Together with a Miscellany Of New Poems. By Several Hands
Pardon me for the late answer. I don't remember where I took that data, so I removed his place of death in his Italian article. However, I will make some research for his place of death. Best wishes, --
undertaken by Order of His Present Majesty for making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret and Captain Cook, in the Dolphin, the Swallow and the Endeavour: Drawn up from the Journals which were kept by the several Commanders, and from the Papers of Joseph Banks, Esq.; by John Hawkesworth, LL.D. In three volumes. Illustrated with Cuts, and a great Variety of Charts and Maps relative to Countries now first discovered, or hitherto but imperfectly known
EXCLUSIVE: Emotional Asia Argento reveals to DailyMailTV that Rose McGowan's partner WRONGLY told her Anthony Bourdain died after injecting heroin through his neck with a hijab-clad prostitute and also presented her with FAKE ashes
Modern Druidic groups have their roots in this revival, e some claim that Aubrey was an archdruid in possession of an uninterrupted tradition of Druidic knowledge, though Aubrey, an uninhibited collector of lore e gossip, never entered a corroborating word in his voluminous surviving notebooks. Toland was fascinated by Aubrey's Stonehenge theories, e wrote his own book, without crediting Aubrey. He has also been claimed as an Archdruid. The
The Sheriffdom of Clackmannan. A sketch of its history with a list of its sheriffs and excerpts from the records of court compiled from public documents and other authorities with preparatory notes on the office of Sheriff in Scotland, his powers and duties
I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it.
In the Treaty of Windsor, Rory accepted Henry II as the overlord and promised to pay annual tribute gathered from all of Ireland to him. For his part, Rory would remain King of Connaught and High King of all unconquered lands in Ireland.
Vast Crowds Honor Sholem Aleichem; Funeral Cortege Of Yiddish Author Greeted By Throngs In Three Boroughs. Many Deliver Eulogies Services At Educational Alliance Include Reading Of Writer's Will And His Epitaph.
Condita civitate, quam ex nomine suo Romam vocavit, haec fere egit. Multitudinem finitimorum in civitatem recepit, centum ex senioribus legit, quorum consilio omnia ageret, quos senatores nominavit propter senectutem. Tum, cum uxores ipse et populus suus non haberent, invitavit ad spectaculum ludorum vicinas urbi Romae nationes atque earum virgines rapuit. Commotis bellis propter raptarum iniuriam, Caeninenses vicit, Antemnates, Crustuminos, Sabinos, Fidenates, Veientes. Haec omnia oppida urbem cingunt. Et cum, orta subito tempestate, non comparuisset, anno regni tricesimo septimo ad deos transisse creditus est et consecratus. Deinde Romae per quinos dies senatores imperaverunt et, his regnantibus, annus unus completus est.
Post hunc Servus Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex nobili femina, captiva tamen et ancilla. Hic quoque Sabinos subegit, montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum, urbi adiunxitm fossas circum murum duxit. Primus omnium censum ordinavit, qui adhuc per orbem terrarum incognitus erat. Sus eo Roma, omnibus in census delatis, habuit capta octaginta tria milia civium romanorum cum his, qui in agris erant. Occisus est scelere generi sui Tarquinius Superbi, filii eius regis cui ipse successerat, et filiae, quam Tarquinius habebat uxorem.
Words, Texts and Concepts Cruising the Mediterranean Sea. Studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science. Dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
Vicit et hoc monstrum tunicati fuscina Gracchi, lustravitque fuga mediam gladiator harenam et Capitolinis generosior et Marcellis et Catuli Paulique minoribus et Fabiis et omnibus ad podium spectantibus, his licet ipsum admoveas cuius tunc munere retia misit.
The names were all interchangeable, like Gordon Gregory and Gregory Gordon. I didn't want to change my name. I liked Farley Granger. It was my father's name, and his grandfather's name. They kept bringing me new combinations, and finally I offered to change it to Kent Clark. I was the only one who thought it was funny.
Judged in terms of the power, range, novelty and influence of his thought, Noam Chomsky is arguably the most important intellectual alive today. He is also a disturbingly divided intellectual. On the one hand there is a large body of revolutionary and highly technical linguistic scholarship, much of it too difficult for anyone but the professional linguist or philosopher; on the other, an equally substantial body of political writings, accessible to any literate person but often maddeningly simple-minded. The 'Chomsky problem' is to explain how these two fit together.
G. Raccagni. 'The teaching of rhetoric and the Magna Carta of the Lombard cities: the Peace of Constance, the Empire and the Papacy in the works of Guido Faba and his leading contemporary colleagues',
I must not omit to notice the Colonel's pepper patch, which is two acres in extent, all planted with a new species of red pepper, which Colonel White has introduced into this country, called Tobasco red pepper. The Colonel attributes the admirable health of his hands to the free use of this pepper
Horus, an ancient Egyptian falcon headed-deity. Horus was usually depicted wearing the double crown of kingship, but also appeared in a fully falcon form, among others. Ra, another falcon-headed deity, is distinguished by the presence of the sun disk on his head, but the ancient Egyptians often combined Re and Horus into the composite deity known as Re-Horakhty.
Standing upon the western hemisphere of the terrestrial globe containing the lines of latitude and topographical outlines of North, Central, and South America, an American bald eagle with wings displayed horizontally and inverted holding in his beak a scroll inscribed with the motto
r/HistoryAnecdotes - During his rise to power, one of Genghis Khan's loyal followers, Jelme, saved the future Khan's life after a wound to the neck - His response was to later complain about all the blood.
Lance Armstrong receives lifetime ban and disqualification of competitive results for doping violations stemming from his involvement in the United States Postal Service Pro-Cycling Team doping conspiracy
The greatest lesson of the Second Seminole War shows how a government can lose public support for a war that has simply lasted for too long. As the Army became more deeply involved in the conflict, as the government sent more troops into the theater, and as the public saw more money appropriated for the war, people began to lose their interest. Jesup's capture of Osceola, and the treachery he used to get him, turned public sentiment against the Army. The use of blood hounds only created more hostility in the halls of Congress. It did not matter to the American people that some of Jesup's deceptive practices helped him achieve success militarily. The public viewed his actions so negatively that he had undermined the political goals of the government.
, had an enormous presence, always dressed in a conventional suit and tie, and he sat at his corner table. Usually when he talked, his voice was loud like the booming of war drums. He didn't talk so much as growl.
Memoirs and Travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky: Consisting of His Military Operations in Poland, His Exile into Kamchatka, His Escape and Voyage from that Peninsula through the Northern Pacific Ocean, Touching at Japan and Formosa, to Canton in China, with an Account of the French Settlement He Was Appointed to Form upon the Island of Madagascar
. Everybody is allowed to make a drawing of the arms (on paper or electronically) in his/her own style based on the Royal Decree and claim it to be the arms of the municipality and uses it within the restrictions shown above. But there is copyright on each individual representation of the arms. This copyright lies with the artist that made that specific drawing based on the Royal Decree, not by the municipality.
A Voyage to the South Sea, Undertaken by Command of His Majesty, for the Purpose of Conveying the Bread-fruit Tree to the West Indies, in His Majesty's Ship the Bounty, Commanded by Lieutenant William Bligh
The ignominious career of Benito Mussolini comes to a fitting end. Il Duce, executed by Italian Partisans, is shown lying in the mud of Piazza Loreto in Milan with his head resting on the breast of mistress, Clara Petacci.
The V.C. AND D.S.O.; A complete record of all those officers, non-commissioned officers and men of His Majesty's naval, military and air forces who have been awarded these decorations from the time of their institution, with descriptions of the deeds and services which won the distinctions and with many biographical and other details, compiled from official publications and despatches, letters from commanding officers and other contemporary accounts, and from information from private sources.
, Denzel explores topics including molestation, the presidential election, fame, hatred, paranoia, revenge, love, the current state of music and personal tales of his own near-death experiences. Sonically, the album ranges just as widely as its subject matter, sounds of paranoia, fear of loss, brooding melancholy and mood swings straight from hell all find their way onto
Since the legal status of the above comment has been questioned, I hereby grant anyone the right to treat it as either a standard copyright notice, invariant section, legal statement, legal advice, friendly suggestion or a mere comment, depending on his or hers own choice.
I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it
Nostrae, inquit, contra duodecim tabulae cum perpaucas res capite sanxissent, in his hanc quoque sanciendam putauerunt, si quis occentauisset siue carmen condidisset, quod infamiam faceret flagitiumue alteri.
Lance Armstrong Receives Lifetime Ban And Disqualification Of Competitive Results For Doping Violations Stemming From His Involvement In The United States Postal Service Pro-Cycling Team Doping Conspiracy
in Turkish and Persian languages. Once, while returning to his homeland after visiting the holy places, he happened to stop in the Leskovik town, where scholars of the time met and took him in for questioning to test his religious culture. Nasibi answered all these questions with a
Sibyllina responsa, quae, ut supra diximus, incertum est cuius Sibyllae fuerint, quamquam Cumanae Vergilius dicat, Varro Erythraeae. sed constat regnante Tarquinio quandam mulierem, nomine Amaltheam, obtulisse ei novem libros, in quibus erant fata et remedia Romana, et pro his poposcisse CCC. philippeos, qui aurei tunc pretiosi erant. quae contempta alia die tribus incensis reversa est et tantumdem poposcit, item tertio aliis tribus incensis cum tribus reversa est et accepit quantum postulaverat, hac ipsa re commoto rege, quod pretium non mutabat. 'tunc mulierem subito non apparuisse'. qui libri in templo Apollinis servabantur, nec ipsi tantum, sed et Marciorum et Begoes nymphae, quae artem scripserat fulguritarum apud Tuscos: unde adidit modo 'tuas sortes arcanaque fata'. et hoc trahit poeta
When Hingwar (Ivar) came, Edmund the king stood within his hall, mindfull of the Saviour, and threw away his weapons, desiring to imitate Christ, who forbade Peter to fight with weapons against the...Jews. Then those wicked men bound Edmund and shamefully insulted him and beat him with clubs, and afterwards they led the faithful king to an earth-fast tree and tied him to it with hard bonds, and afterwards scourged him a long while with whips, and among the blows he was always calling the true faith of Jesus Christ. Then the heathen were madly angry because of his faith, because he called upon Christ to help him. They shot at him with javelins as if for their amusement, until he was all beset with their shots, as with a porcupine's bristles, even as Sebastian was. When Hingwar, the wicked seaman, saw that the noble king would not deny Christ, but with steadfast faith ever called upon Him, he commanded men to behead him, and the heathen did so. For while he was yet calling upon Christ, the heathen drew away the saint to slay him, and struck off his head with a single blow, and his soul departed joyfully to Christ. There was a certain man at hand, whom God was hiding from the heathen, who heard all this and told it afterward just as we tell it here
Major General Joseph Hooker, commanding Eleventh and Twelfth Army Corps had under his immediate command the First Division, Fourth Corps, the Second Division, Twelfth Corps, portions of the Fourteenth Corps, and the First Division, Fifteenth Corps.
... a rebel with a cause. In argument he would bulldoze through, brooking no contradiction. Critics were baited with an acid tongue, and, in fits of temper, he could be a cruel mimic. In short, lesser mortals were not tolerated easily and, as has been said by others, collegiate friends were few. ... I never found him malicious or vindictive, even against those who had tried to bring him down. Nor was he particularly sophisticated or cultured, just a big, up-front Yank possessed by 'the big picture' in avian phylogeny and convinced of the righteousness of his cause and invincibility of his intellect.
... Maneant immo, inquit Marcellus, ut coram his respondeam, quando ea conditione pro vobis, Patres conscripti, bella gerimus, ut victos armis accusatores habeamus. Duae captae hoc anno urbes Capua Fulvium reum, Marcellum Syracusae habeant.
There's great tragedy here, but there's also excitement, humor, heroism even in weaklings, nobility even in villains, and, now and then, a taste of justice after all. It's a rare gift when a writer can invest his story with that much humanity
. Using the weapon, he and his host systematically destroyed the armies of Bodach and sacked the city. Still, the last and most powerful sorcerers of Bodach managed to cast a mighty spell of destruction against the defiler warlord, which blasted Irikos to ashes even as his hordes threw down Bodach with fire and sword. Only the
For those who haven't visited the place, think your bathroom but just a bit larger, covered in graffiti and smelling almost always of dog piss. Due to the fact that club's owner Hilly Cristal would always let his dogs run free in the place, a fact that the late Joey Ramone found hilarious
Ian Johnson of The Wall Street Journal: For his revealing stories from China about victims of the government's often brutal suppression of the Falun Gong movement and the implications of that campaign for the future.
Theseus, whose ship is shown in the distance, has just left Ariadne and Naxos, when Bacchus arrives, jumping from his chariot, drawn by two cheetahs falling immediately in love with Ariadne. Bacchus raised her to heaven. Her constellation is shown in the sky.
For distinguishing himself conspicuously by courage and intrepidity at the risk of his life, in demonstrating that it is possible for aircraft to travel in continuous flight from a now inhabited portion of the earth over the North Pole and return
The Speaker, or the chair, after having called the attention of the House, or of the committee, to the conduct of a Member who persists in irrelevance, or tedious repetition either of his own arguments or of the arguments used by other Members in debate, may direct him to discontinue his speech.
Mohammedis imposturae, that is a discovery of the manifold forgeries, falshoods and horrible impieties of the blasphemous seducer Mohammed: with a demonstration of the insufficiency of his law, contained in the accursed Alkoran, delivered in a conference had between two Mohammetans in their return from Mecka
His dicere solebat ob hanc causam praestare nostrae civitatis statum ceteris civitatibus, quod in illis singuli fuissent fere, qui suam quisque rem publicam constituissent legibus atque institutis suis, ut Cretum Minos, Laecedaemoniorum Lycurgus, Atheniensium, quae persaepe commutata esset, tum Theseus, tum Draco, tum Solo, tum Clisthenes, tum multi alii, postremo exsanguem iam et iacentem doctus vir Phalereus sustentasset Demetrius, nostra autem res publica non unius esset ingenio, sed multorum, nec una hominis vita, sed aliquot constituta saeculis et aetatibus
Nos autem dicamus, quod ecclesia universalis fidelium christianorum aliquid dicere potest de his, quae sunt secundum sacram scripturam de necessitate salutis aeternae credenda, quemadmodum sunt articuli fidei et reliqua secundum scripturam praecepta similia sive per necessitatem ad ipsa sequentia, aut po-test universalis ecclesia dicere quaedam de his, quae pertinent ad ritum ecclesiasticum decenter servandum, quae convenientia sunt et expediantia in hoc saeculo ad pacificum convictum hominum et statutum tranquillum etiam disponentia ad futuri saeculi beatitudinem consequendam et poenam seu miseriam fugiendam
ex his quibus carcer pro stadio fuit, Martyrologia et veteres scrip-tores commendant Neopolim seu Neopolum qui ex more proferendi nomina medio aevo in Italia invalescente et ex recepto loquendi usu Napoleo dictus fuit atque italice Napoleone communiter nuncupatur
, were permeating the intellectual climate in Italy. We must therefore look to De Roberto's sympathies for the critical postures of his friends Capuana and Verga, and to his interest in the psychological and pseudoscientific trends of
. In uniform motion there appear to be two variables: the object being observed, and the observer. You can change the velocity of the object, giving it a new uniform velocity with respect to the observer, or the observer can change his velocity, giving himself a new uniform velocity with respect to the object. As it turns out, the results of those changes are
; but, as such, it is logically faulty and all he wishes to convey is this: Oblivious of the suffering to which life is subject, man begets children, and is thus the cause of old age and death. If he would only realize what suffering he would add to by his act, he would desist from the procreation of children; and so stop the operation of old age and death.
Of all the preachers of the divine word who have worked for the salvation of souls in England there is no one to whom we are more indebted than the Servant of God, Dominic Barberi. I should consider myself happy if I had the power to dedicate this whole diocese to his care and protection and be allowed to honour him as our Patron and Protector in England.
Amun, an ancient Egyptian god. Amun is usually shown as a striding man wearing a tall, plumed crown. Originally, Amun was depicted with red-brown skin but after the Amarna period he was painted with blue skin, symbolizing his association with air and primeval creation. Amun was also depicted in a wide variety of other forms.
The notion of Maitreya as the future Buddha is found within the traditions of all Buddhists, although there is no universal agreement about his life history or about the way in which he will realize the destiny set forth by his position as the nextBuddha
The authenticity of the story of Erasmus is questioned by many scholars. Bruce Metzger removed this story from his book's ( The Text of the New Testament ) third edition although it was included in the first and second editions in the same book.
...His temporibus regio Gothiani, quae in Sardinia insignis Comitatus est, et insula Buccina, in qua ossa Divi Pontiani Papae diu teste Damaso conquieverunt, nomen a Gothis ibi considenlibus, ut creditur, sumpserunt....
, some short notes of his own poetry, the statements of philosophers and gnostics, and scientific issues have been left from his youth, which comprise a precious collection. This book can familiarize the readers with subtleties of Mulla Sadra's nature. These notes were compiled in two different collections, and it is likely that the smaller collection was compiled on one of his journeys.
Finnley Wren: His Notions and Opinions, Together With a Haphazard History of His Career and Amours in These Moody Years, As Well As Sundry Rhymes, Fables, Diatribes and Literary Misdemeanors; a Novel in a New Manner
In his ergo et in aliis operationis nature conditionibus admiranda est divina sapientia, que per ista et talia consimilia dat nobis quadammodo intelligere qualiter per ista sensata materialia ad intellectum eorumque sunt supra sensum sint paulatim cordis interiora ad intelligentiam spiritualium promuovenda. Et proper hoc simpliciter est in hoc opuscolo mea intentio et finis meus
). But I have no time for researching, and I forgot about it. CoA with an unicorn is a part of CoA of Zapolia Family, but I don't know what's his genesis. About the second thing: white crowned eagle of course is not a CoA of Jagiellons' but a CoA of Polish Kingdom (
News: UN Special Rapporteur on human rights observance in West Bank, Gaza sent back to Geneva after landing. Israeli Foreign Ministry says emissary denied entry because his mandate is 'profoundly distorted and conceived as an anti-Israel initiative'
Michael Scotus ascripsit sibi translationes multas. Sed certum est quod Andreas quidem Judaeus plus laborabit in his. Unde Michael, sicut Heremannus retulit, nec scivit scientias nec linguas. Et sic de aliis
His exile within Rome continued during the years of World War II. Bishop Hudal continued as pastoral head of the Anima Church and College but had no position in the Vatican State Department and no access to Pope Pius XII, and his senior staff. The French Jesuit historian, Fr. Pierre Blet, a co-editor of the
Cope: Master Naturalist: The Life and Letters of Edward Drinker Cope, with a Bibliography of His Writings Classified by Subject; a Study of the Pioneer and Foundation Periods of Vertebrate Palaeontology in America
This is therefore to give notice that all persons who may be disposed to migrate from the United States, will with their families, be received on board of His Majesty's ships or vessels of War, or at the military posts that may be established upon or near the coast of the United States, when they will have their choice of either entering into His Majesty's sea or land forces, or of being sent as free settlers to the British possessions in North America or the West Indies where they will meet with due encouragement.
illustration of William Shakespeare reciting his play Hamlet to his family. His wife, Anne Hathaway, is sitting in the chair on the right; his son Hamnet is behind him on the left; his two daughters Susanna and Judith are on the right and left of him.
Elliott F. Shepard Dead; He Expires at His Home After Taking Ether. Had Given No Indication of Serious Illness -- but Evidently Had the Possibility of Death in Mind -- His Family at His Bedside -- a Peculiarly Eccentric Character -- Politician, Editor, and Relig- Ious Enthusiast -- Often Amusing, but Always in Earnest.
Thirteenthly. It is ordained that in the event of a gallant and daring act having been performed by a squadron, ship's company, or detached body of seamen and marines not under fifty in number, or by a brigade, regiment, troop or company in which the admiral, general, or other officer commanding such forces may deem that all are equally brave and distinguished, and that no special selection can be made by them, then is such case the admiral, general, or other officer commanding, may direct that for any such body of seamen or marines, or for every troop or company of soldiers, one officer shall be selected by the officers engaged for the Decoration, and in like manner one petty officer or non-commissioned officer shall be selected by the petty officers and non-commissioned officers engaged, and two seamen or private soldiers or marines shall be selected by the seamen, or private soldiers, or marines engaged, respectively for the Decoration, and the names of those selected shall be transmitted by the senior officers in command of the Naval force, brigade, regiment, troop, or company, to the admiral or general officer commanding, who shall in due manner confer the Decoration as if the acts were done under his own eye.
Nihil ergo attinet dicere (ut) Sardus Hercule, Norax Mercurio procreati cum alter a Libya, alter ab usque Tartesso Hispaniae in hosce fines permeavissent, a Sardo terrae, a Norace Norae oppido nomen datum, mox Aristaeum regnando his proximum in urbe
Farage reveals his latest Brexit Party candidates: Ex lads' mag editor, opera singer abused for wearing an anti-EU bag on the Tube and a black gay businessman who 'is tired of Leave voters being portrayed as white, homophobic, racists'
Anti-World War I editorial cartoon showing a soldier who is missing the lower half of his body dragging himself along with his hands, with his intestines trailing behind him as a fat capitalist sitting in a chair offers him a medal for his service.
. Part of a grave stele, made of pentelic marble. It was found in Piraeus. Only part of the shaft of the stele survives, adorned by a relief loutrophoros. The figure of a nude youth practicing with a ball in the palaestra is depicted in low relief on the belly of the vase. His folded himation can be seen on a pillar behind him. The youth is watched by his young servant holding an aryballos and a strigil.
Costantino Nivola: public and private: a selection of Nivola's sculptures, soon to leave the U.S. for a permanent home in a museum devoted to the artist in Sardinia, provided a rare overview of his work at the Parrish Museum
Michael Jackson's Nephews File Lawsuit over Mother's Death; Court: Delores Jackson's Family Accuses Her Boyfriend of Drowning Her in His Pool Last Year and Complains That Dist. Atty. Gil Garcetti Won't Prosecute Him
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
18 Novembre 2021