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Frasi che contengono la parola governor

The range given is from the date the governor took the oath of office in Arizona, to the date the governor left office. Due to the distance from Washington, D.C., to Arizona, many governors were appointed and confirmed months before being able to exercise power in the territory.

Each term for which a governor is elected is listed here; if multiple governors served in a single term, due to resignations, deaths, and the like, then that term will be shared among those governors. If a governor was elected multiple times, then there will be multiple terms listed for that governor.

con un caso investigativo che coinvolge tre omicidi e una ragazza scomparsa di nome Keemia: rintraccia gli assassini a Governor's Island, dove trova anche Keemia. Ma l'intera isola si rivela essere l'

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

28 Ottobre 2021
