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Frasi che contengono la parola goddess

, ho visto che nella versione inglese della voce sono inserite tra i collegamenti esterni due associazioni, la covenant of the goddess e la PFI UK che organizza eventi esattamente come il Circolo (e con cui il circolo dei trivi collabora, e anche la rivista the Pomegranate --

Hathor, ancient Egyptian goddess. Hathor is depicted in many forms, most commonly as a woman with cow-horns and sun disk. Isis could also be depicted in this form, and the two can only be surely distinguished by the inscription. In other forms, Hathor was depicted wearing the hieroglyph for 'west', or in a fully bovine form. Hathor is often shown holding the

I am writing this at the cape, in front of the sea, where three waters meet and furnish a sight unequalled in the world. For this reason is no port of call for vessels. Like the Goddess, the waters around are virgin.

Yeah. Sylvarant's mana is flowing to Tethe'alla. Therefore, Sylvarant is in decline. Without mana, crops won't grow and magic becomes unusable. If there is no mana, the Summon Spirits that protect the world alongside the Goddess Martel can't survive in Sylvarant either. As a result, the world slips even further down the path of destruction./

Whereas King PTOLEMY, THE EVER-LIVING, THE BELOVED OF PTAH, THE GOD EPIPHANES EUCHARISTOS, the son of King Ptolemy and Queen Arsinoe, the Gods Philopatores, has been a benefactor both to the temple and to those who dwell in them, as well as all those who are his subjects, being a god sprung from a god and goddess like Horus the son of Isis and Osiris, who avenged his father Osiris, being benevolently disposed towards the gods, has dedicated to the temples revenues of money and corn and has undertaken much outlay to bring Egypt into prosperity, and to establish the temples, and has been generous with all his own means; and of the revenues and taxes levied in Egypt some he has wholly remitted and others has lightened, in order that the people and all the others might be in prosperity during his reign; and

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

05 Gennaio 2022
