CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola glad
Anche i tedeschi tentarono di usare norvegesi per raccogliere informazioni contro gli Alleati, ma come nel caso di John Moe e Tor Glad, questi si rivelarono partigiani norvegesi che, appena sbarcati in Scozia vicino al villaggio di
; al ritorno Glad, che era stato internato per la sua scarsa integrazione con i britannici, venne ingiustamente accusato di tradimento mentre il ruolo di Moe non venne mai reso noto, e questi in seguito scrisse un libro sulla vicenda
I can't think how anyone can become a director without learning the craft of cinematography. I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look. It was just lucky in a way that I didn't go to film school and just learned all this on the floor
or to diego(at)delso.photo with reference to the URL in the case of a website or to the ISBN/author/title in the case of a printed work or eBook. I am always very glad if you consider to send me a copy of the publication or a promocode for the eBook as gratitude for using my works. Note:
Please include the URL in the case of a website or the ISBN/author/title in the case of a printed work or eBook. I am always very glad if you consider sending me a specimen copy or a promocode for the eBook if you use any of my pictures. Note:
I can't think how anyone can become a director without learning the craft of cinematography. I was very glad later when I was directing that I wasn't in the hands of a cinematographer and hoping that he would do it well. I would know what he was doing, and we could discuss how that scene would look. It was just lucky in a way that I didn't go to film school and just learned all this on the floor.
, aveva suonato con svariati gruppi, tra i quali gli Young Casuals, The Other Lot, The Outer Light, Gabriel Oak, Glad Stallion, Tendency Jones e i Pendulum, facendosi un nome nel circuito locale. Il chitarrista
gli aggettivi terminanti in -sk, -t, in vocale (eccezion fatta per ny (nuovo) e fri (libero)), -s e gli aggettivi glad (felice) e fremmed (strano, forestiero) non prendono la -t finale quando concordano col genere neutro.
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
16 Novembre 2021