CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola guns
POLITICAL MOVEMENTS.; THE HOUSTON MASS MEETING. Large Gathering of the People in Union-Square--Washington statue Illuminated. The Hero of San Jacinto Nominated for the Presidency. Speeches, Address, Resolutions, Music, Fireworks, Guns, and Fun
L'ingresso nei Guns N' Roses non impedisce a Fortus di collaborare con numerosi artisti per la realizzazione di album o per eventuali tour o esibizioni, da Enrique Iglesias a Rihanna passando per i Thin Lizzy
, poi censurato e cambiato con un tatuaggio di Axl. Il quadro, che l'autore sostiene non sia mai stato pagato dai Guns, illustrava un mostro con pugnali come denti mentre difende una ragazza da uno stupratore robot
. Malgrado i chiarimenti della band, le polemiche crearono problemi notevoli, tanto che i Guns decisero di togliere la canzone dalla scaletta dei loro concerti per evitare ulteriori critiche. L'album fu promosso in diverse date assieme ai
. Nonostante la notizia sia circolata parecchio online, Irving Azoof, co-manager dei Guns n' Roses, ha smentito le voci che vorrebbero Axl Rose in procinto di riunire la formazione originale della band per un tour mondiale. Ecco cosa ha riferito Azooff ai microfoni di una radio americana:
While the attacking brigades had been able to cut large gaps through the defences held by the Italian infantry, they had not been able to subdue all the resistance. Not surprisingly, most of the smaller outposts and defended localities had fallen easily but some of the larger posts had been bypassed during the night. The outposts which remained contained substantial number of anti-tank guns, machine guns and infantry. When daylight came, these posts were able to cover the area south of the ridge by fire and shot up any trucks foolhardy enough to drive forward.
lord Raglan wishes the cavalry to advance rapidly to the front, follow the enemy, and try to prevent the enemy carrying away the guns. Horse artillery may accompany. French cavalry is on your left. Immediate.
The success of the Nazis is based on their use of a mineral named lunarium, which has the ability to lower the IQ of human males drastically, thus effectively preventing military resistance when the Nazis invade. The lunarium is dropped in the form of bombs from a fleet of zeppelins flying at a higher altitude than anti-aircraft guns could possibly reach. What is even more puzzling is that lunarium is - as the name indicates - only mineable on the Moon, and mankind so far does not yet have the technology to reach it.
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11 Gennaio 2022