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Frasi che contengono la parola decommissioning

OSTI: Appendix A - A Summary of the Shutdown and Decommissioning Experience for Nuclear Power Plants in the United States and the Russian Federation. Appendix B - A Summary of the Regulatory Environment for the Shutdown and Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants in the United States and the Russian Federation. Appendix C - Recommended Outlines for Decommissioning Documentation

sono responsabili del trattamento dei rifiuti di medio e basso livello, presso i siti sono presenti due depositi per questi rifiuti, che possono essere usati anche per i rifiuti derivanti dal decommissioning.

WNA: Nuclear decommissioning, information on decommissioning nuclear facilities from the World Nuclear Association, the global private-sector organization that seeks to promote and provide information on nuclear power, nuclear energy, nuclear power, nuclear decommissioning

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

10 Agosto 2021
