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Frasi che contengono la parola daughters

Emily e le tre sorelle maggiori (Charlotte, Elizabeth e Maria) frequentarono la Clergy's Daughters School di Cowan Bridge; le condizioni di vita malsane dell'istituto, l'igiene trascurata, il vitto insufficiente e l'atmosfera permeata di fanatismo religioso saranno in seguito immortalate da

Interpreti: John Graham-Hall (Gustav von Aschenbach), Iestyn Davies (The Traveller/The Elderly Fop/The Voice of Dionysius), Peter Coleman-WrightThe Voice of Apollo), Anja Grubic (The Polish Mother), Alberto Terribile (Tadzio, her son), Camilla Esposito e Arianna Spagnuolo (Her two daughters), Marinella Crespi (Their governess), Jacopo Giarda (Jaschiu, Tadzio's friend), Peter Van Hulle (Hotel porter), Anna Dennis (Strawberry-seller), Charles Johnston (Guide), Anna Dennis e Donal Byrne (Strolling players), Jonathan Gunthorpe (English clerk), Richard Edgar-Wilson (The Glass maker), Constance Novis (Lace seller), Madeleine Shaw (Beggar woman), Benoit De Leersnyder (Restaurant waiter).

illustration of William Shakespeare reciting his play Hamlet to his family. His wife, Anne Hathaway, is sitting in the chair on the right; his son Hamnet is behind him on the left; his two daughters Susanna and Judith are on the right and left of him.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

02 Novembre 2021
