CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola domestic
Pawelski, James G., Perrin, Ellen C., Foy, Jane M., Allen, Carole E., Crawford, James E., Del Monte, Mark, Kaufman, Miriam, Klein, Jonathan D., Smith, Karen, Springer, Sarah, Tanner, J. Lane, Vickers, Dennis L. The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic Partnership Laws on the Health and Well-being of Children
HKUMed WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control releases real-time nowcast on the likely extent of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, domestic and international spread with the forecast for chunyun
Henry James the private universe, Henry James the religious aspect, The portrait of a lady, The plays of Henry James, The dark backward a footnote, Two friends, From feathers to iron; Fielding and Sterne, servants of the novel, Romance in Pimlico, The young Dickens, Hans Anderson; Francois Mauriac, Bernanos, The beginner, The burden of childhood, Man made anrgy, G.K. Chesterton, Walter de la Mare's short stories, The Saratoga trunk, Arabia Deserta, The poker-face, Ford Madox Ford, Frederick Rolfe Edwardian inferno, Frederick Rolfe from the devil's side, Frederick Rolfe a spoiled priest, Remembering Mr. Jones, The domestic background, The public life, Goats and incense, Some notes on Somerset Maughan, The town of Malgudi, Rider Haggard's secret, Journey into success, Isis idol, The last Buchan, Edgar Wallace, Beatrix Potter, Harkaway's Oxford
(PIL o, in inglese, gross domestic product/GDP), pensabile come la somma del valore dei beni e servizi finali prodotti in un paese in un tempo determinato; un suo incremento aumenta la domanda di moneta a scopo transattivo;
Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
02 Novembre 2021