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Frasi che contengono la parola decision

...It is likely that the next thing that will happen is a very public beta test of the extension on a dedicated test wiki, with a call to developers to systematically improve the usability and scalability of the extension. After that, my recommendation will be that each wiki community is given the choice to deploy this extension or not, with a clearly defined process for making a decision to do so....

In the Italian system of control of constitutionality the possibility of limiting or modulating the effects over time of the declaration of unconstitutional character is not expressly envisaged (...) In the jurisprudential seat, nonetheless, techniques of decision aimed at limiting normal effects of the ascertainment of unconstitutional character have been widely experimented and assigned to many functions

, Dunbar did not get along with singer Steve Perry and did not approve of the new musical direction. However, Herbert contends that it was a band decision based on Dunbar's unprofessional activities offstage.

It concerned the decision of the Powers to cede irrevocably to Greece all the Aegean islands already occupied by the latter (with the exception of Imbros, Tenedos and Castellorizo) on the date on which Greek troops would evacuate the parts of Northern Epirus awarded to Albania by the Florence Protocol.

(human resouces director) nel consiglio di gestione che spesso ha legami forti con i lavoratori e i sindacati. I rappresentanti dei lavoratori comunque non possono partecipare al decision-making gestionale. Anche nei

: Researchers at King's College London develop a personalized recommendation system to suggest Wikidata items for the editors based on their interests and preferences. The researchers are inviting volunteers to interview them about their current ways to choose the items you work on in order to understand the factors that might influence such a decision.

COUNCIL DECISION on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and on provisional application of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, and of the Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information

Luiss School of Government, che offre una formazione specifica, mediante l'erogazione di master universitari, in materia di processi politici e decision-making, sia nel settore pubblico che nel privato

While I am not in a position to refer specifically to the decision involved in the scene you described, in all my translation of any title, I have tried my best to be faithful to the original source material. Bar none.

an attempt, an effort, an offer, an excuse, a suggestion, a decision, an exception, enquires, a phone call, a mistake, a fuss (scompiglio), a noise, arrangements, a journey, a trip, a travel, progress, money, a profit, a fortune, love, a bed, a fire, war, peace, friends, appointment, a list, crossword

In a democratic and open decision-making process, it is always a wise thing to hear the opposition voices. It is a matter for the opposition to point out failures and abuses of the management in charge, to prevent frauds and bad management.

I will make sure financial statements are provided. I know them, I have been working on them, I am spending time right now to make sure to find scholarship money for as many people as possible, and I can ensure that many people are trying to make their best for the event to be a success. I will make sure that next year the decision process is more polished, to ensure fairness. However, I do not think blaming the board for any decision (even when NOT made by the board) is the way to go. Anthere

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

04 Gennaio 2022
