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Frasi che contengono la parola dynamic

I glifi occasionalmente sono apparsi anche all'interno di episodi. Ad esempio, nel primo episodio, all'interno di un laboratorio della Massive Dynamic viene inquadrato di proposito la foglia; una farfalla aiuta Walter a risolvere un caso in

The four inventions do not necessarily summarize the achievements of science and technology in ancient China. The four inventions were regarded as the most important Chinese achievements in science and technology, simply because they had a prominent position in the exchanges between the East and the West and acted as a powerful dynamic in the development of capitalism in Europe. As a matter of fact, ancient Chinese scored much more than the four major inventions: in farming, iron and copper metallurgy, exploitation of coal and petroleum, machinery, medicine, astronomy, mathematics, porcelain, silk, and wine making. The numerous inventions and discoveries greatly advanced China's productive forces and social life. Many are at least as important as the four inventions, and some are even greater than the four.

(Sony Dynamic Digital Sound), ma all'epoca solo pochi cinema erano in grado di supportare il nuovo sistema audio, e molti di questi riscontrarono problemi tecnici durante la proiezione della pellicola.

Kusanagi and the Puppet Master continue to talk about the merge, with Kusanagi expressing concern over the fact that both of them will change and no longer retain their current identities. She wants a guarantee that she will retain her identity, but the Puppet Master argues that there is no reason to keep with it, because her desire to stay unchanging within a dynamic environment is what limits her. She asks it why it chose her as a mate and it responds by stating that the two of them are very similar, mirror images of each other's psyche. It says that it is connected to a vast network, containing large amounts of information, and that the merge would create a higher consciousness. Kusanagi finally decides to merge with it just as the snipers from the helicopters fire. Batou regains control over his body and puts out his arm to protect Kusanagi. The snipers destroy the Puppet Master's body and Batou's arm gets hit as well. Kusanagi's head gets shot off, and she loses consciousness.

(Dynamic System Display). Questo processore era gestito dalla consolle e doveva essere rapido per poter gestire in tempo reale il ridisegno dello schermo senza introdurre fastidiosi artefatti visivi.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

06 Gennaio 2022
