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Frasi che contengono la parola derives

held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so.

...derives from a method of tone-production that eliminates the more Italian quick vibrato. In its place is a kind of tonal solidity, a wall-like front, which may nevertheless prove susceptible to the other kind of vibrato, the slow beat or dreaded wobble

held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so. This applies even if there is a copyright notice, so long as the State of California or one of its agencies (other than those listed above) is indicated as the copyright holder.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

26 Ottobre 2021
