CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola deity
The Death of Jean - The Turning-Point of My Life - How to Make History Dates Stick - The Memorable Assassination - A Scrap of Curious History - Switzerland, the Cradle of Liberty - At the Shrine of St. Wagner - William Dean Howells - English as She Is Taught - A Simplified Alphabet - As Concerns Interpreting the Deity - Concerning Tobacco - The Bee - Taming the Bicycle
Horus, an ancient Egyptian falcon headed-deity. Horus was usually depicted wearing the double crown of kingship, but also appeared in a fully falcon form, among others. Ra, another falcon-headed deity, is distinguished by the presence of the sun disk on his head, but the ancient Egyptians often combined Re and Horus into the composite deity known as Re-Horakhty.
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05 Marzo 2021