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Frasi che contengono la parola conception

geometry in Islam served the construct of a geometrical conception of the world that rests upon the conjunction of two powerful founding systems, monotheism and the rigorous sciences. As both theory and practice, or ideality and reality in phenomenological terms, geometry realizes the union between the two opposed spheres of the abstract ideal of mathematical thought and the concrete reality of matter that this mathematical thought enables to rationalize, measure and define. Very importantly then, geometry allows the realities of physics to interplay with the idealities of metaphysics.

La Casa degli Studi del Sacro Cuore funzionava ancora. Gli studenti frequentavano corsi giornalieri alla St. Agnes High School. Il resto di ogni giorno era occupato da esercizi spirituali, ricreazione e studio. I preti studiavano al Conception Seminary di

: The union of a sperm and an egg to create the first cell of a new organism. The term Conception has also been used to imply implantation of the blastocyst, the formation of a viable zygote, and the onset of pregnancy.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

24 Dicembre 2021
