CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola cruelty
Le sequenze in cui vengono testati gli effetti di Andromeda sugli animali furono realizzate con il consenso e la supervisione dell'ASPCA, l'American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Sul set gli animali vennero resi incoscienti per alcuni secondi tramite l'inalamento di
Hypatia or the History of a most beautiful, most virtuous, most learned and in every way accomplished lady, who was torn to pieces by the clergy of Alexandria to gratify the pride, emulation and cruelty of the archbishop commonly but undeservedly titled St Cyril
Ad aprile dello stesso anno diventa ambasciatore della ISPCC (Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Childen) e viene coinvolto in un progetto di raccolta fondi per la DEBRA, associazione per la ricerca sull'
Gunther wrote he was especially shocked that one of the Jewish victims hanging on the meat hooks was a five-year-old girl, saying that he could not imagine such cruelty was possible until he saw the evidence of it firsthand.
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
01 Dicembre 2021