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Frasi che contengono la parola century

He was named after his father, Niklas Koppernigk, but afterwards followed the academic custom of the time and Latinized his name as Nicolaus Copernicus. The Koppernigk family were originally German-speakers who migrated eastward to the province of Silesia in the thirteenth century, settling in the town known today as Koperniki, in present-day southeast Poland, close to the Czech border.

From the cultural point of view, he came from a family whose connections in Silesia, and in the bourgeoisie 'of fifteenth-century Cracow, in Thorn, and in Frauenburg, were with the German-speaking rather than with the Polish-speaking element; but there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language.

Cyriac of Ancona was the most enterprising and prolific recorder of Greek and Roman antiquities in the fifteenth century and the accuracy of his records entitles him to be called the founding father of modern classical archeology

We never learn the precise nature for Montresor's animosity, although if he is a devout Roman Catholic and Fortunato is a Mason, there would be sufficient ground for his feelings. During the later eighteenth century animosities developed between the Roman Catholic Church and the Masons.

The Book of Enoch, the prophet: an apocryphal production, supposed to have been lost for ages; but discovered at the close of the last century in Abyssinia; now first translated from an Ethiopic MS in the Bodleian Library.

Verdi, Requiem - Quattro Pezzi Sacri (Four Sacred Pieces) - Carlo Maria Giulini/Christa Ludwig/Dame Janet Baker/Elisabeth Schwarzkopf/Nicolai Gedda/Nicolai Ghiaurov/Philharmonia Chorus/Philharmonia Orchestra, EMI Great Recordings of the Century

The connoisseur's repertorium; or a universal historical record of painters, engravers, sculptors, and architects, and of their works, from the era of the revival of the fine arts, in the twelfth century to the present epoch

Liberal Judaism in the United Kingdom is one of the two forms of Progressive Judaism found in the United Kingdom, the other being Reform Judaism. Liberal Judaism, which developed at the beginning of the twentieth century is less conservative than UK Reform Judaism. Liberal Judaism considers itself the sister movement of North American Reform Judaism.

Encyclopedia of Exploration: Invented and Apocryphal Narratives of Travel: A Comprehensive Guide to Invented, Imaginary, Apocryphal and Plagiarized Narratives of Travel by Land, Sea and Air, from the Earliest Times to the Twentieth Century

raided it, and left teachers to instruct the Ghurids in the precepts of Islam. Even then it is believed that paganism, i.e. a variety of Mahayana Buddhism persisted in the area till the end of the century.

My objection to currently accepted renderings is based on the fact that no formal inscription of funerary or dedicatory type could have been inscribed in such large characters with no margins, no vertical alignment of the beginning of lines and in such barbaric Phoenician, especially since few scholars now reject a ninth-century date

Urban continuity has been argued for Bath, Canterbury, Chester, Chichester, Cirencester, Exeter, Gloucester, Lincoln, London, Winchester, Worcester, and York. At Verulamium (St. Albans), where the medieval town grew up around the Saxon abbey outside of the Roman walls, archaeologists found several fifth-century structures and a newly-laid waterpipe indicating that a nearby Roman aqueduct was still providing for the town's sub-Roman inhabitants

The History of Painting in Italy from the period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century, translated by Thomas Roscoe; Volume VI containing the Schools of Lombardy, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Cremona, and Milan

After the extent of the comma's absence from biblical manuscripts became known, translations made after the eighteenth century omitted the phrase. English translations based on a modern critical text have omitted it since the

The Cyprian citation, dating to more than a century before any extant Epistle of John manuscripts and before the Arian controversies that are often considered pivotal in verse addition/omission debate, remains a central focus of comma research and textual apologetics. The

convince il padre ad uscire, Pk trasloca alla fabbrica abbandonata Century, e durante uno spostamento viene attaccato da un mostro che lo ha scambia per uno Q'Zwokk. L'alieno fugge, mentre Juniper rivela al padre di essere innamorata di Pk. Al ritorno alla Century, Pk trova Lyo che gli intima di andarsene. In seguito

. Il governo malese aveva assistito la Twentieth Century Fox con l'elaborazione dei visti, lo sdoganamento, le telecomunicazioni e la sicurezza nel tentativo di promuovere la Malesia come location cinematografica.

The conclusion reached in this study is that the object was conceived in the shrewd milieu of the Italian antiquities market, likely at the end of the nineteenth century, to satisfy the demand of a particular foreign clientele. It was executed by a very skillful artisan familiar with the linear forms of the Italian Liberty style, but ill at ease with the iconographic and stylistic models presented to him: Attic red-figured vases and Arretine ceramics, authentic and falsified, by the workshop of Perennius. The voyeuristic meaning attributed by scholars to the principal scene is an erroneous interpretation of an Alexandrian love epigram in the decorative repertory of the same workshop

fu lanciatala nuova serie della Regal. Quest'ultima e la Century erano ancora, sostanzialmente, due versioni diverse della stessa vettura. Offerte solo in versione berlina quattro porte, si basavano entrambe sulla versione aggiornata del pianale W della General Motors, che condividevano con la

Although these conventional approaches to transliteration have been followed since most of the second half of the Nineteenth century to the present day, there have been some attempts to adopt a modified system that seeks to utilise the

The first and the last Books of the Ramayana are later additions. The bulk, consisting of Books II--VI, represents Rama as an ideal hero. In Books I and VII, however Rama is made an avatara or incarnation of Vishnu, and the epic poem is transformed into a Vaishnava text. The reference to the Greeks, Parthians, and Sakas show that these Books cannot be earlier than the second century B.C....

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

11 Gennaio 2022
