CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola control
Il problema di portare le trenta divisioni previste dal piano finale durante le prime decine di giorni dell'operazione imponeva una ferrea organizzazione dei convogli e della rotazione delle navi nei porti; pertanto vennero creati due uffici, TURCO (Turn Control Organization - organizzazione del controllo di rotazione) e BUCO (Build Up Control Organization - organizzazione di controllo della costruzione delle tabelle di viaggio); nell'arco di tre
L'energia nel contesto degli accordi dell'OMC: Sovvenzioni per le energie rinnovabili e pratiche OPEC di controllo dei prezzi (The Energy in the Context of the WTO Agreements: Subsidies for the Renewable Energy and the OPEC Practice of Control of the Price)
As noted, the sources you use must be reliable; that is, they must be sources that exercise some form of editorial control and have some reputation for fact-checking and accuracy. Print sources (and web-based versions of those sources) tend to be the most reliable, though some web-only sources may also be reliable. Examples might include (but are not limited to) books published by major publishing houses, newspapers, magazines, peer-reviewed scholarly journals, websites of any of the above, and other websites that meet the same requirements as a reputable print-based source.
' (ACLs), le quali sono esse stesse composte di 'access control entries' (ACEs). Le ACEs contengono un 'security identifier' (SID) ed una lista di operazioni alle quali quelle danno un selezionato gruppo di credenziali - un account utente, un account gruppo, una 'logon session'
Applied Bio-Nomics, Halifax Seed Company, Natural Insect Control, Westgro Sales, Arizona Biological Control, Evergreen Growers Supply, Integrated Fertility Mgmt, Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, The Green Spot Department of Bio-Ingenuity, Tip Top Bio-Control
HKUMed WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control releases real-time nowcast on the likely extent of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak, domestic and international spread with the forecast for chunyun
Infection prevention and control measures and tools for the prevention of entry of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae into healthcare settings: guidance from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
The extent of Saracen control over Corsica and Sardinia. Information is sparse. The apparent situation is that the Muslims had several bases on the coasts of these islands, but did not control the countryside (such as they did in Sicily).
in Georgia, portando a nove il numero totale di persone infette nel paese. Lo ha annunciato il direttore del Georgia National Center for Disease Control, Amiran Gamkrelidze, nel recente briefing tenutosi in giornata. Ha detto che le cinque persone appartengono allo stesso gruppo che hanno viaggiato insieme in Italia e sono tornate in Georgia domenica.
, venne a sua volta arricchita: la plancia ricevette uno scenografico quadro strumenti completamente digitale e completo di check-control, alzacristalli elettrici e chiusura centralizzata diventano di serie, e sedili e pannelli vennero rivestiti in
In the Italian system of control of constitutionality the possibility of limiting or modulating the effects over time of the declaration of unconstitutional character is not expressly envisaged (...) In the jurisprudential seat, nonetheless, techniques of decision aimed at limiting normal effects of the ascertainment of unconstitutional character have been widely experimented and assigned to many functions
A Bill Tondreau della Tondreau Systems, ad Alvah Miller e Paul Johnson della Lynx Robotics, a Peter A. Regla della Elicon, a Dan Slater, a Bud Elam, Joe Parker e Bill Bryan della Interactive Motion Control, e a Jerry Jeffress, Ray Feeney, Bill Holland e Kris Brown per i loro contributi individuali e collettivi dei progressi che hanno portato all'industria cinematografica nel campo della tecnologia del
Self-Study STD Modules for Clinicians - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Next Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Your Online Source for Credible Health Information CDC Home Footer Separator Rectangle Epidemiology
, viene introdotto il Flush Control che permette maggiori performance in applicazioni multithread, il DSA (Direct State Access) permette il controllo indipendente dei vari oggetti, inoltre viene ottimizzato il motore di rendering WebGL
, and they live within a narrow band of the planet's atmosphere that they find habitable. Star Control II however used names of real constellations and stars for fictional stars, Beta Corvi in Star Control II is a green dwarf in the game instead of a yellow bright giant.
Le versioni di allestimento intermedio prevedono anche i vetri elettrici posteriori, i poggiatesta anteriori regolabili, il climatizzatore manuale con filtro antipolline, il cruise control, il sedile passeggero regolabile in altezza, il volante multifunzione in pelle, l'accensione automatica dei fari, i fendinebbia, i fari orientabili in curva, il tergicristalli con
Destruction of village (setting fire to, blowing up, and planting mines in the debris), especially those population centers which are difficult to control continuously. ... Mounting search and control operations according to the following guidelines: encirclement of the village and conducting a search inside it. In the event of resistance, the armed force must be destroyed and the population expelled outside the borders of the state.
The Kemalists or Nationalists control more or less effectively the area shaded. They have been driven away from the Aegean by the Greeks, but claim Thrace, Smyrna, Armenia, and all Mesopotamia down to the Persian Gulf
furono riconosciute indipendenti e affidate al governo di Badoglio pur sotto lo stretto controllo della Allied Control Commission, mentre il resto della penisola e la Sicilia restarono sotto il controllo della
. Dura tredici minuti e mostra l'equipaggio intento nelle procedure di routine per il rientro. Il filmato mostra gli astronauti sul ponte di volo mentre indossano i guanti e riprendono il plasma e le fiamme (fenomeni normali che si manifestano durante ogni rientro in atmosfera) che sono visibili attorno all'orbiter e termina circa quattro minuti prima che lo Shuttle si disintegri e undici minuti prima che il Mission Control perda ogni contatto radio; i minuti mancanti si ritiene che siano andati distrutti.
(ISS). Alla conclusione di questo, venne assegnato alla Divisione Stazione Spaziale Internazionale dell'Ufficio Astronauti, dove i suoi compiti riguardavano i computer del Command and control della ISS e i computer di supporto per l'automazione dell'Ufficio, e la
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare regarding a request from the European Commission to review ND focussing on vaccination worldwide in order to determine its optimal use for disease control purposes
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC regarding use of vaccines and related agents for control of vaccine-preventable diseases in the civilian population of the United States. Recommendations made by the ACIP are reviewed by the CDC Director and, if adopted, are published as official CDC/HHS recommendations
User Part) oppure BICC (Bearer Independent Call Control) su MTP (Message Transfer Part), mentre IMS utilizza SIP su IP. Per i media le reti tradizionali utilizzano PCM (Pulse-code modulation), mentre IMS usa
Nel frattempo Schuldiner aveva continuato a lavorare sulla sua musica e per i Control Denied, componendo una decina di nuovi brani da pubblicare nel nuovo disco del gruppo. Dopo un anno dalla prima diagnosi, nel maggio
Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health-Care Settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America/Association for Professionals in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society of America
. Proprio questo singolo arriva al settimo posto del Music Control, mentre l'album, nella prima settimana di pubblicazione, raggiunge la nona posizione della classifica ufficiale. La canzone diventa un inno della campagna elettorale dell'ex sindaco di
Love, Marriage, and the Catholic Conscience: Understanding the Church's Teachings on Birth Control Amore, matrimonio e coscienza cattolica: Comprendere il Magistero della Chiesa sul controllo delle nascite
The poliovirus affects the motor neurons of the anterior horn cells, or the ventral (front) grey matter section in the spinal column, which control movement of the trunk and limb muscles including the intercostal muscles.
Fate. Destiny. Luck. The prisons of man. People pass the time, enjoying the choices life provides: coffee or tea, right or left. As if it matters. We are all just spinning on the wheel. There is but one way to keep off the wheel. It's not youth. It's not beauty or true love. I know how to stay off the wheel. I control my fate. I have survived because I know one must be willing to destroy anyone, anything, even the things you love, to keep the gods in check.
Border control in Giurgiu (Romania) before the bridge over the Danube to Ruse (Bulgaria). (seen from the train) NB: this shot has been taken a few months after the two countries became members of th European Union.
on civilian craft and the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) units on military craft. These units transmit a coded signal back to the SSR identifying the aircraft and giving its altitude, so this information appears on the radar screen of the air traffic controller. This SSR uses an LVA (large vertical array) antenna. It consists of a series of vertical waveguides with slots cut in them which act as radiators. This type of phased array antenna has better control of energy radiated at low angles, preventing ground reflections that cause nulls in the radiation pattern which can result in an aircraft not being detected.
Il contrasto tra il sempliciotto, spontaneo Tony e la razionale, piena di self-control Angela sfocia nell'attrazione reciproca. Nonostante ci fossero chiari segnali di tale attrazione lungo tutta la serie, Tony e Angela non hanno consumato subito la loro relazione, ed hanno avuto varie relazioni. Angela era fidanzata con un uomo di Geoffrey Wells (
Ci sono due tipologie di curve NURBS: le curve EP passano per i punti immessi dall'utente. Questi prendono il nome di punti finali (EP - End Points), mentre le curve CV invece si avvicinano solamente ai punti immessi. I punti immessi prendono il nome di vertici di controllo (CV - control vertices), chiamati in alcuni programmi
Adherence to insulin treatment, glycaemic control, and ketoacidosis in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The DARTS/MEMO Collaboration. Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland. Medicines Monitoring Unit.
viene introdotto il sistema allo scarico AETC (Automatic Exhaust Timing Control) o nominato anche AEPC (Automatic Exhaust Power Control), controllata dall'AEC (Automatic Exhaust Control), un interruttore centrifugo e si passa da un sistema frenante a tamburo integrale a disco anteriore, mentre nel
Kusanagi and the Puppet Master continue to talk about the merge, with Kusanagi expressing concern over the fact that both of them will change and no longer retain their current identities. She wants a guarantee that she will retain her identity, but the Puppet Master argues that there is no reason to keep with it, because her desire to stay unchanging within a dynamic environment is what limits her. She asks it why it chose her as a mate and it responds by stating that the two of them are very similar, mirror images of each other's psyche. It says that it is connected to a vast network, containing large amounts of information, and that the merge would create a higher consciousness. Kusanagi finally decides to merge with it just as the snipers from the helicopters fire. Batou regains control over his body and puts out his arm to protect Kusanagi. The snipers destroy the Puppet Master's body and Batou's arm gets hit as well. Kusanagi's head gets shot off, and she loses consciousness.
Another attempt at using user:Cyp's image:Poly.pov povray macros to automatically find faces and edges. I will update the source once I have a few more Johnson solids under control. See talk:Johnson solid for progress.
This kind of theft is further complicated by the fact that many powerleveling services outsource the leveling task to people who are not actually employed by them. These people undergo little or no screening before being given sensitive customer informations, and the service company maintains little or no real control in the event of theft from the customer. Because these levelers are easily recruited over the internet, the company providing the service may have never even met them in person, and may possess no verifiable information about their identity or whereabouts. This makes it almost impossible for the service company to prevent or reverse a theft. While it may seem obvious that the service company should take responsibility for compensating the customer in such a case, this is rarely done in practice, even when proof of the theft is submitted.
Research on the physiological roots of procrastination mostly surround the role of the prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for executive brain functions such as planning, impulse control, attention, and acts as a filter by decreasing distracting stimuli from other brain regions. Damage or low activation in this area can reduce an individual's ability to filter out distracting stimuli, ultimately resulting in poorer organization, a loss of attention and increased procrastination. This is similar to the prefrontal lobe's role in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, where underactivation is common.
Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
12 Gennaio 2022