CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola coffee
Fate. Destiny. Luck. The prisons of man. People pass the time, enjoying the choices life provides: coffee or tea, right or left. As if it matters. We are all just spinning on the wheel. There is but one way to keep off the wheel. It's not youth. It's not beauty or true love. I know how to stay off the wheel. I control my fate. I have survived because I know one must be willing to destroy anyone, anything, even the things you love, to keep the gods in check.
to have breakfast, dinner, lunch, coffee, a wash, a bath, a rest, a sleep, a lie-down, a dream, a good time, a bad day, a nice afternnon (morning, evening), a day off (giorno libero), a holiday, a good flight (trip, journey, et.), a talk, a word, a conversation, a disagreement, a quarrel, a fight, a swim, a walk, a dance, a ride, a game, a try, a go, a look, a baby, an accident, an operation, a nervous breakdown, difficulty / trouble in
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
02 Novembre 2021