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Frasi che contengono la parola common

Mixed-species associations of striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), and Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece, Mediterranean sea)

Users who could cause more damage to the wikis if someone took over their account have to have more secure passwords. This includes administrators and other user groups. They can't use passwords that are in a list of common passwords. Accounts with common passwords are easy to take over. The list of common passwords was made longer a few weeks ago and has a different error message. Some user groups have been added to those who can't use common passwords. This is to protect all accounts with user rights that could cause damage.

to my knowledge, as they happens at near zero temperature. Graupel is the technical term for the product of rimming alone but it is not used in the common language in English and I don't know in German. So I'm not sure that the correspondance is one for one.

) le indagini sono condotte dal pubblico ministero che si avvale della polizia. In altri (come la Germania) il pubblico ministero, pur potendo condurre personalmente le indagini, delega normalmente le stesse alla polizia, e il suo ruolo finisce per avvicinarsi a quello dei paesi di common law. Vi sono poi paesi (per esempio in Francia e fino al

. Il passaggio del tempo ha comunque creato una certa differenza tra i diversi ordinamenti statali. Le varie corti hanno sviluppato le vecchie regole del common law in direzioni differenti e le assemblee legislative statali hanno prodotto diversi

Cooperation agreement between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Portuguese Republic, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Finland, the Kingdom of Sweden, i.e. the Contracting Parties to the Schengen Agreement and to the Schengen Convention, and the Republic of Iceland and the Kingdom of Norway, on the gradual abolition of controls at their common borders

And seeking to promote the common good, with due observance of Prudence, Justice and Charity, so that the dignity and freedom of the individual may be assured, true social order attained, the unity of our country restored, and concord established with other nations,

Metadata contiene informazioni rilevanti sull'assembly, incluso il manifest dell'assembly. Un manifest descrive l'assembly in dettaglio includendo identificazione univoca (con un hash, numero di versione, ecc.), informazioni sui componenti esportati, informazioni sui tipi (supportati da il Common Type System (CTS)), references esterne, e una lista dei file presenti nell'assembly. L'ambiente CLR fa un uso estensivo del metadata.

The Aquarius was equipped with a 'diet-version' of Microsoft Basic. If you wanted to use such common commands as FOR and NEXT, you had to buy yet another cartridge: Extended Microsoft Basic. IF you could get this cartridge: I doubt whether it ever appeared on the shelves in large numbers. I even read that Microsoft Extended Basic for the Aquarius never went beyond the prototype status, although I have the cartridge in my collection

Obstruction of appendix vermiformis causing acute appendicitis. One of the most common causes of this is an acute viral infection which causes lymphoid hyperplasia and therefore obstruction. An experimental study in the rabbit

The prevailing theory at present is that the Hebrew Matthean document of Papias was a collection mainly of the discourses of Jesus (called by recent critics Q), which, in variant Greek translations, was used both by the author of the Greek Matthew and by the evangelist Luke, thus explaining the common features in these two gospels

; rispetto ai precedenti sistemi di iniezione common rail, il Multijet prevede appunto l'introduzione di altri tipi di iniezione (denominate pre e post) fino a un totale di cinque, che permettono rispettivamente il controllo del motore a freddo e la rigenerazione del

. This is the most common nomenclature. A pupilometer may be manually operated, or may be digital. Pupilometers may also be used to verify a PD measurement taken by hand with a millimeter ruler. A pupilometer is best suited for better assurance in fitting progressive lenses, and other specialty lenses, since even tiny errors cause eye strain. Pupilometer apps have also been developed for

, ma sono gli standard di it.wiki; se preferisci ad esempio lo sfondo bianco puoi impostarlo nel tuo common.css e lo avrai automaticamente in tutta l'enciclopedia. Un particolare motivo per cui si debba forzare lo sfondo bianco solo per gli aerei non riesco a immaginarlo... --

verosimilmente, se non sono indicati altrimenti, gli autori delle fotografie, dei disegni e schemi si intendono quelli che firmano l'articolo. Meglio caricarla direttamente in Common, partendo da questo link:

Ray-finned fish come in many forms. The figure shows general characteristics of the more common anatomical parts: A - dorsal fin: B - fin rays: C - lateral line: D - kidney: E - swim bladder: F - apparatus of Weber: G - inner ear: H - brain: I - nostrils: L - eye: M - gills: N - heart O - stomach: P - gall bladder: Q - spleen: R - internal sex organs (ovaries or testes): S - ventral fins: T - spine: U - anal fin: V - tail (caudal fin). Possible other parts not shown: barbels, adipose fin, external genitalia (gonopodium).

. Depositi di strati di argilla si trovano tra le aree di argilla che si estende sotto Clapton Common, Stamford Hill e Stoke Newington High Street. I quartieri centrali e sudoccidentali giacciono su depositi fluviali di

a favore del coniuge o dei figli del defunto che versano in stato di bisogno. In Scozia, che pur facendo parte del Regno Unito non rientra tra gli ordinamenti di common law, la quota di riserva riguarda solo i

. Our hope is to bring further awareness to the existence of our various projects and to bring us together to unite in our common cause. Please feel free to contact myself or anyone else from the project. I do speak Italian, depending on the dialect, but English is just fine too. It is so nice to meet you and thank you for all you continue to do to promote women on Wikipedia. --

implementato attraverso CAM incorporata nell'apparecchio televisivo, la non adozione di un unico standard televisivo per un sistema di accesso condizionato comune ha portato alla proliferazione di apparecchi televisivi nelle case degli utenti. Nonostante che da un punto di vista tecnico le problematiche derivanti dalla non adozione di un unico standard televisivo per l'accesso condizionato siano state del tutto risolte con l'implementazione del Common Interface e dell'accesso condizionato

six gates of the Imperial City, said Beijing is common in the Ming Dynasty, when the Ming dynasty to the main entrance gate of the Imperial City, Miyagi outside the door to Edward's door, so Imperial gates include Daming door (Da Qing Gate), Chang left door, Chang'an right door, Dong'anmen, Xi'an doors and thick set door (Tiananmen Square); seven is said is common in the Qing Dynasty, including the Great Qing Gate, Changan left door, right door Chang'an, Tiananmen Square, Tiananmen Square East, Xi'an door and Tiananmen Square, Tiananmen Square, the main entrance to the Imperial City; seen in some of the eight gates of said Beijing Local Chronicles Compilation of Qing Dynasty, the north end of Tiananmen Gate also counted as Imperial gate; four is said also common in the Qing Dynasty, especially folk, including Tiananmen Square only, Dong'anmen, Xi'an Gate and Tiananmen Square

The adjunkt is a teacher's position, with responsibilities on the undergraduate and masters' levels. Having no other qualifications than a Masters' Degree, while the adjunkt is common at both universities and colleges, the former are striving to upgrade adjunkts to lektors. This is done by allowing time to perform or complete PhD-studies, or by systematically replacing adjunkts who have quit or retired with positions as lektors.

Research on the physiological roots of procrastination mostly surround the role of the prefrontal cortex. This area of the brain is responsible for executive brain functions such as planning, impulse control, attention, and acts as a filter by decreasing distracting stimuli from other brain regions. Damage or low activation in this area can reduce an individual's ability to filter out distracting stimuli, ultimately resulting in poorer organization, a loss of attention and increased procrastination. This is similar to the prefrontal lobe's role in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, where underactivation is common.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

12 Gennaio 2022
