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Frasi che contengono la parola cut

Predictive values of body mass index and waist circumference for risk factors of certain related diseases in Chinese adults: study on optimal cut-off points of body mass index and waist circumference in Chinese adults

Successivamente, il misterioso individuo si gira a guardare la mano e le foglie all'esterno si fermano. Si volta di nuovo a guardare la telecamera, ora fissa, per un breve istante, per poi riconcentrarsi sulla mano. Dopo una serie di jump cut che alternano queste due posizioni, la figura guarda direttamente verso la telecamera e la indica e, dopo uno stacco, la guarda con le mani ai lati.

Predictive values of body mass index and waist circumference for risk factors of certain related diseases in Chinese adults--study on optimal cut-off points of body mass index and waist circumference in Chinese adults.

estesero la propria ricerca all'utilizzo di rumori elettronici e tecniche cut-up utilizzando brevi spezzoni di nastro magnetico preregistrato. Altri gruppi pop che utilizzarono elemento di musica sperimentale sono

While the attacking brigades had been able to cut large gaps through the defences held by the Italian infantry, they had not been able to subdue all the resistance. Not surprisingly, most of the smaller outposts and defended localities had fallen easily but some of the larger posts had been bypassed during the night. The outposts which remained contained substantial number of anti-tank guns, machine guns and infantry. When daylight came, these posts were able to cover the area south of the ridge by fire and shot up any trucks foolhardy enough to drive forward.

. In the version expanded of the photography is possible to see a horizontal white line in the left upper part (right of the person that contemplates the photography) of the helmet. Is the base of the antenna, that was cut in the original setting of the photography.

(quest'ultimo generatosi dalla fuoriuscita dei componenti dell'ala sinistra della Democrazia Cristiana cilena). Tuttavia ottenne l'appoggio anche dalla Federazione dei Sindacati Nazionali e dalla CUT (

e per consentire lo sviluppo dell'orchestramento prima che le cut-scenes venissero completate, a Gregson-Williams furono mandate brevi descrizioni dell'azione per farsene un'idea. Di ritorno, le sequenze di azione furono modellate sui temi musicali creati. Gregson-Williams ha anche remixato l'originale

, del dipartimento editing audio e video, e infine il progetto veniva rivisitato con Final Cut Pro, in modo limitato a causa del budget, e supervisionato un'altra volta da Matt Maiellaro e John Brestan.

The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is: With all the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Several Cures of it. In Three Maine Partitions with their several Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, Opened and Cut up

on civilian craft and the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) units on military craft. These units transmit a coded signal back to the SSR identifying the aircraft and giving its altitude, so this information appears on the radar screen of the air traffic controller. This SSR uses an LVA (large vertical array) antenna. It consists of a series of vertical waveguides with slots cut in them which act as radiators. This type of phased array antenna has better control of energy radiated at low angles, preventing ground reflections that cause nulls in the radiation pattern which can result in an aircraft not being detected.

francesi. Terza vittima di Khan, che per l'omicidio si traveste da Mimo. Viene ucciso con un colpo di pistola. Assume un ruolo principale nella versione Director's Cut. Marito di Imelda, ex fidanzata di Thierry Collard, padre di Nico. I due (Carchon e Thierry) erano amici, conosciutisi in

The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is: With all the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Several Cures of it. In Three Maine Partitions with their several Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, Historically, Opened and Cut up.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

20 Dicembre 2021
