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Frasi che contengono la parola archaeological

the urban complex of Florence is in itself a unique artistic realization, a chef-d'oeuvre absolute, the fruit of a continuous creation over more than six centuries. Leaving aside its museums (the Archaeological Museum, Uffizi, Bargello, Pitti, Galleria dell'Accademia, etc.), the greatest concentration of universally renowned works of art in the world is found here- the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Baptistery and the Campanile of Giotto, Piazza della Signoria dominated by by Palazzo Vecchio and the Palazzo Uffizi, San Lorenzo, Santa Maria Novella, Santa Croce and the Pazzi chapel, the Convent of San Marco which houses paintings of Fra Angelico, Santo Spirito, San Miniato, et'

Il giorno successivo, un gruppo di archeologi della Suffolk Archaeological Unit effettuarono uno scavo di emergenza del sito; l'intero tesoro fu scavato in un solo giorno, con la rimozione di diversi blocchi di materiale intatto per lo scavo in laboratorio,

e il Leicester City Council, in collaborazione con la Richard III Society, annunciarono di aver unito le loro forze per iniziare una ricerca dei resti di re Riccardo III. Guidati dalla University of Leicester Archaeological Services (ULAS), gli esperti proposero di individuare il sito della Greyfriars Church e di scoprire se i suoi resti vi fossero ancora sepolti.

Egypt after the War. Being the narrative of a tour of inspection (undertaken last autumn) including experiences among the natives, with descriptions of their homes and habits. In which are embodied notices of the latest archaeological discoveries, and a revised account of the funeral canopy of an Egyptian queen, with interesting additions

The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age in the Margiana Lowlands. Facts and Methodological Proposal for a Redifinition of the Research Strategies. The Archaeological Map of the Murghab Delta. Studies and Reports, III

, the French had captured and occupied the town. The French built monuments in the town. During archaeological excavations, many ancient statues were either left in Cherchell, or taken to museums in Algiers or

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

04 Gennaio 2022
