CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola artificial
vernalization, the artificial exposure of plants (or seeds) to low temperatures in order to stimulate flowering or to enhance seed production. By satisfying the cold requirement of many temperate-zone plants, flowering can be induced to occur earlier than normal or in warm climates lacking the requisite seasonal chilling
Smother Small Dog To See it Revived. Successful Demonstration of an Artificial Respiration Machine Cheered in Brooklyn. Women in the Audience, But Most of Those Present Were Physicians. The Dog, Gathered in from the Street, Wagged Its Tail.
This has been a major study investigating an important area of research. The results suggest that consumption of certain mixtures of artificial food colours and sodium benzoate preservative are associated with increases in hyperactive behaviour in children. However, parents should not think that simply taking these additives out of food will prevent hyperactive disorders. We know that many other influences are at work but this at least is one a child can avoid.
Thought experiment: a huge space station is under construction: a cilinder a hundred meters in diameter, and hundreds of meters long, and this cilinder is rotating at an appropriate rate to elicit artificial gravity. Imagine this cilinder when it is not yet filled with air. An astronaut is floating around inside the cilinder, weightless, equiped with a space-suit with tiny thrusters. As long as the astronaut avoids
, e membro della National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, un'agenzia federale statunitense che si occupa di fornire consulenza al governo per ogni materia riguardante l'intelligenza artificiale.
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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
15 Novembre 2021