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Frasi che contengono la parola abdallah

Libya: another important step has been made in the Libyan peace process as the eastern government of Abdallah al-Thani has officially handed over power to the Government of National Unity (GNU) of PM Abdul Hamid Dbeibah. Both governments met in Benghazi for the ceremony Warszawa, mazowieckie

Abdallah S. Daar, Peter A. Singer, Deepa Leah Persad, Stig K. Pramming, David R. Matthews, Robert Beaglehole, Alan Bernstein, Leszek K. Borysiewicz, Stephen Colagiuri, Nirmal Ganguly, Roger I. Glass, Diane T. Finegood, Jeffrey Koplan, Elizabeth G. Nabel, George Sarna, Nizal Sarrafzadegan, Richard Smith, Derek Yach e John Bell,

, erano figli della sua quarta moglie, una sorella di Shaikh Muhammad bin Nasir al-Jabry al-Ghafiry, di Zhahirah. Shaikh Abdallah Rocky Amir Muhammad era un forte leader della fazione di Nizariya, e sotto gli Al-Yarub era stato un tempo governatore del

Teddy J. Akiki, Christopher L. Averill, Kristen M. Wrocklage, J. Cobb Scott, Lynnette A. Averill, Brian Schweinsburg, Aaron Alexander-Bloch, Brenda Martini, Steven M. Southwick, John H. Krystal e Chadi G. Abdallah,

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

05 Settembre 2021
