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Frasi che contengono la parola academic

- Full version (available only to lawyers and journalists) has millions of full-text articles (from magazines, journals, and newspapers), court opinions, statutes, treatises, transcripts, public records, and more. Academic version (available at many universities) offers large subsets of the legal and news databases.

Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.

He was named after his father, Niklas Koppernigk, but afterwards followed the academic custom of the time and Latinized his name as Nicolaus Copernicus. The Koppernigk family were originally German-speakers who migrated eastward to the province of Silesia in the thirteenth century, settling in the town known today as Koperniki, in present-day southeast Poland, close to the Czech border.

Il Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine era formato dalla Wellcome Library e dall'Academic Unit. La Wellcome Library era una collezione di libri provenienti da tutto mondo, gestita dai bibliotecari dell'omonimo

Human Rights in Policy Decisions and Business Strategies. The Cooperative Role of the UN, Governments and Firms within a Developing Scenario. EU and Italian Best Practices - LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

MSU is one of the top research universities in the world on one of the biggest, greenest campuses in the nation. Home to nationally ranked and recognized academic, residential college, and service-learning programs, we're a diverse community of dedicated students and scholars, athletes and artists, scientists and leaders.

Climbing the Academic Ladder: Doctoral Women Scientists in Academe: a Report to the Office of Science and Technology Policy from the Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in Science and Engineering, Commission on Human Resources, National Research Council

Professore Emerito (Emeritus Professor; full professor whose high importance in academic field has been credited by the Faculty council: the Professore Emerito can work at university for life, even after retirement age)

There are two degree (Dr. of Sc. and Cand. of Sc.). Usually standard PhD is close to Cand. of Sc. However, if you have PhD and a lot of books, huge academic experience, many published research results, you have a chance to hold the certificate that your PhD equals Dr. of Sc. Also each degree (Cand. and Dr.) is divided into majors. PhD means specialist from any major (excepting medicine) is called Doctor of Philosophy. In Russian educational system the following variety of degree:

Procrastination is commonly noticed in the academic setting, where students are required to meet deadlines for assignments and tests in an environment which is full of events and activities which compete for the students' time and attention.

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

12 Gennaio 2022
