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Norway claims two territories. Peter I Island (small circle in the top of the unclaimed territory) and Queen Maud Land. Norway has not officially elaborated as to the northernly extent of Queen Maud Land. This is why the Norwegian claim is illustrated differently from the other claims. It is however generally assumed that the Norwegian claim follows the norms of the other Antarctic claims.

Second Question - the thing with Polish Eagle is: White Eagle was probably a family sign of Piast dynasty, and this way is assumed as coat of arms for Polish Kingdom. This coat of arms became polish symbol forever, these days too. Kings from another dynasties (Jagiellons, Vasa and electioned kings) used usualy quaterly CoA (Eagle for Polish Kingdom and Chaser, mounted knight, for Grand Duche Lithuania) with own dynastic CoA on escutcheon overall. Greater rank had not a personal CoA of the king, but kingdom coat of arms. So it's normal to use in Zygmunt Zapolya CoA as an Grandfather coat of arms, a white eagle, and not a Jagielons dynastic coat of arms.

. Hudal several times in this work claims to have received criticism of the Nazi system rather than support for it from the Vatican diplomats under Pius XII. He assumed that the Holy See's policy during and after the war was entirely controlled by the western Allies.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

27 Ottobre 2021
