CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola actions
Although students of the future must make it their duty to seek a master, it is vital that they do so having made very sure of him first. A person of poor and narrow knowledge will be powerless to help them to achieve the Way, because his actions will be shallow, his virtue weak, his accomplishment feeble, and his resources scarce
The greatest lesson of the Second Seminole War shows how a government can lose public support for a war that has simply lasted for too long. As the Army became more deeply involved in the conflict, as the government sent more troops into the theater, and as the public saw more money appropriated for the war, people began to lose their interest. Jesup's capture of Osceola, and the treachery he used to get him, turned public sentiment against the Army. The use of blood hounds only created more hostility in the halls of Congress. It did not matter to the American people that some of Jesup's deceptive practices helped him achieve success militarily. The public viewed his actions so negatively that he had undermined the political goals of the government.
Well, the original idea was to make a specialist shop for metal in general, but that's a long time ago. Normal metal isn't very popular any more, all the children are listening to 'death' metal now. I'd rather be selling Judas Priest than Napalm Death, but at least now we can be specialized within 'death' metal and make a shop where all the trend people know that they will find all the trend music. This will help us earning money so that we can order more EVIL records to the evil people. But no matter how shitty music we have to sell, we'll make a BLACK METAL look on the shop, we've had a couple of 'actions' in churches lately, and the shop is going to look like a black church in the future. We've also thought about having total darkness inside, so that people would have to carry torches to be able to see the records.
Hi. You have received this message, because you have a bot in Ukrainian Wikipedia. For a long time, your bot has not committed any actions in our project. Currently, Ukrainian Wikipedia community decides what to do with inactive bots. We encourage you to visit
Because immediate intent and simultaneous action are taught from the beginning, sometimes people understand these to mean that there is a sequence for the actions of the arm, leg, and hips. As a rule,
Your main representative has just received an email to confirm that they are indeed the primary contact and will perform official actions on behalf of your group (such as endorsing candidates and then voting). Some groups also need to verify their
Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
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25 Dicembre 2021