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We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions of the original physical version of apply though; if you're unsure please visit the

), which states that it is not an infringement to take photographs of buildings, or of sculptures, models for buildings, or works of artistic craftsmanship permanently located in a public place or in premises open to the public. This does not apply to two-dimensional graphic works such as posters or murals. See

) which have not been produced specially for use in documents specified in the first paragraph, and from which parts are quoted or which are reproduced in a separate appendix, are not covered by this provision. The same apply to poetry, musical compositions or works of art.

, and is subject to trademark laws in one of more jurisdictions. Any unauthorized use of this work constitutes an infringement upon these trademark rights. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's trademark. See our

, and subject to trademark laws in one of more jurisdictions. Any unauthorized use of this work constitutes an infringement upon these trademark rights. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe someone else's trademark. See our

laws in one or more jurisdictions. Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use. You are solely responsible for ensuring that you do not infringe the rights to this trademark. See our

apply U.S. threshold of originality standards to this work, rather than the standards of the source country. However, in practice, it is unsettled whether and how this approach would be applied in real-world U.S. legal cases involving threshold of originality elements.

at Thesis defence. Typically, a docent manages a group of PhD-students or a subdivision of a research group. She often chairs smaller research projects of her own. While once a formal position that could be obtained through an excellent grade on the PhD dissertation, today lecturers apply to be accepted as unpaid docents, meaning that they keep their current job but may use the senior title. The docent title remains with the individual for life.

. It is not in the public domain in the following countries that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works: Canada, China (not Hong Kong, Macao, or Taiwan Area), Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, and other countries with individual treaties. See

. It is not in the public domain in the following countries that do not apply the rule of the shorter term for US works: Canada, China (not Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan Area), Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, and other countries with individual treaties. See

Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.



Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

11 Gennaio 2022
