CENTROHD - Huge Dictionaries
Frasi che contengono la parola areas
The communities and regions are separate government institutions with different areas of responsibility. The communities are organized based on linguistic boundaries, which are different from regional boundaries.
Originale: Radioactive warfare can be used ... To make evacuated areas uninhabitable; To contaminate small critical areas such as rail-road yards and airports; As a radioactive poison gas to create casualties among troops; Against large cities, to promote panic, and create casualties among civilian populations.
Originale: Areas so contaminated by radioactive dusts and smokes, would be dangerous as long as a high enough concentration of material could be maintained.... they can be stirred up as a fine dust from the terrain by winds, movement of vehicles or troops, etc., and would remain a potential hazard for a long time.
. (Hence, within England, the maps shows only borders of regions, of non-metropolitan counties, of metropolitan boroughs (i.e. subdivisions of metropolitan counties), of the areas of unitary authorities and of the London boroughs. The ceremonial county that is highlighted is made up primarily by a non-metropolitan county of the same name. This non-metropolitan county is marked solid red. Associated administrative divisions that make up the rest of the ceremonial county are shown hatched.)
This is a simpler, smaller version with no white areas. This emblem is purely green, and is probably a better option for use on non-white backgrounds. There are no other visual changes, paths inside the file have been named, and groups have been removed.
. (Hence, within England, the maps shows only borders of regions, of non-metropolitan counties, of metropolitan boroughs (i.e. subdivisions of metropolitan counties), of the areas of unitary authorities and of the London boroughs.)
. Cropped. Dirt and stains removed. Depigmented areas replaced. Selective contrast reduction, color adjustment, and blurring to correct problems in sky. Histogram adjusted selectively, partial desaturation, and color balance to remainder of image.
. The evaluation exposes some areas for improvement, but we think the help panel's behavior so far is healthy and that it is not having a negative impact on the wikis. We will be publishing additional data, making plans, and asking for community thoughts around the future of the help panel over the course of the next two weeks. If you are interested in
of German) is a legally recognized minority language in the marked country (main distribution areas are colored; marked with square where the geographic distribution is too dispersed or small for map scale)
Laser types with distinct laser lines are shown above the wavelength bar, while below are shown lasers that can emit in a wavelength range. Full lines or areas mean CW emission, dotted mean pulsed emission. The height of the line gives an indication of the maximal power/pulse energy commercially available. For the Ar
... in this context, deployment of a small, single warhead ICBM in hardened mobile launchers is of particular interest because it would permit deployment in peacetime in limited areas such as military reservations
includes major US metro areas of Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, and Seattle, all of which have Korean populations that exceed those of the already-included Canadian metro areas with Korean populations
The small demilitarized zones are not shown. Arabs interpreted these areas as neutral intermediate buffers (like the Neutral Zones between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, or between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia), while Israel interpreted them as full sovereign Israeli national territory under a demilitarization treaty obligation. The conflict between these two interpretations produced frictions which effectively eliminated the special status of most of the zones within a few years.
Reproduction of works permanently found in public spaces, i. e. streets, squares, parks, rest areas and other open areas that are accessible to the public, is allowed without the authorization and compensation from and towards the author or copyright holder.
Information presented on DoD Imagery Server is considered public information (except where noted for government and military users logged into restricted areas) and may be distributed or copied. Use of appropriate byline/photo/image credits is requested.
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Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
05 Gennaio 2022