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Frasi che contengono la parola arabs

A History of the Arabs in the Sudan: The inhabitants of the northern Sudan before the time of the Islamic invasions. The progress of the Arab tribes through Egypt. The Arab tribes of the Sudan at the present day

I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it.

I have been told, that in England it takes fifty days to train a wild falcon, but here the Arabs had them ready in a fortnight to three weeks. This is because they were never separated from them. A man who was training a falcon carried it about everywhere with him. He even fed with it sitting on his left wrist, and sleep with it perched on its block beside his head. Always i was strocking it, speaking to it, hooding and unhooding it

Sure discussion is needed here. But the problem is the language barrier because i cant speak italian language but rather i use Google translate. I want to say that there is two biased, one-sided and not neutral termenologies: the first one is Palestinian resistance (which is used mainly by Arabs and Palestinians) and the second one is Palestinian terrorism (which is used by Israel and Europeans mainly) and both are not neutral and are one sided from one point of view. The neutral view and description is the Palestinian political violence because both Palestine and Israel kill each other (with the difference that Israel are stronger and kill more people, childs, and women) so the term Palestinian political violence is used in more than one wiki.

The small demilitarized zones are not shown. Arabs interpreted these areas as neutral intermediate buffers (like the Neutral Zones between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, or between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia), while Israel interpreted them as full sovereign Israeli national territory under a demilitarization treaty obligation. The conflict between these two interpretations produced frictions which effectively eliminated the special status of most of the zones within a few years.

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Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:

19 Novembre 2021
