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Frasi che contengono la parola act
: Comincia una radicale ristrutturazione dottrinale e organizzativa della NATO. Viene creata un'organizzazione militare bicipite: sono infatti istituiti ACO (Allied Command for Operations), con sede in Europa e responsabile delle Operazioni correnti e ACT (
The Trade Marks Act protects the National Flag of Canada and the flags of the provinces and territories against unauthorized use. Requests to use the Canadian flag in connection with business activities should be addressed to the Department of Canadian Heritage (attention: Canadian Identity Directorate). Requests to use the provincial or territorial flags should be addressed to the Protocol Office of the province or territory concerned. A flag should always be shown, represented or used in a dignified manner. It should not be defaced by way of printing or figures or masked by other objects, but displayed in a manner which may be described as aloft and free, in which all symbolic parts of the flag can be identified.
An Act repealing, after the last day of June next, the duties heretofore laid upon Distilled Spirits imported from abroad, and laying others in their stead; and also upon Spirits distilled within the United States, and for appropriating the same
britanniche, una cronica carenza di monete britanniche nelle colonie. I commerci erano spesso condotti usando le monete coloniali spagnole. La monetazione spagnola ebbe corso legale negli Stati Uniti fino a che un Act del Congresso non interruppe questa practica nel
An Act to authorize the people of the Missouri territory to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union on an equal footing with the original states, and to prohibit slavery in certain territories
) e soggetto a discussioni pubbliche. Per ulteriori informazioni sul protocollo DMCA, consultare la pagina sulla regole di condotta di Wikimedia Foundation riguardo al Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA):
held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so.
An Act relative to the Election of a President and Vice President of the United States, and declaring the Officer who shall act as President in case of Vacancies in the offices both of President and Vice President
(malto e grano mescolati insieme). Grazie all'emanazione nel medesimo anno da parte del Parlamento britannico dello Spirits Act che consentiva la libera commercializzazione a larga scala di consumo nelle distillerie del
An Act to prohibit the importation of Slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States, from and after the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight
) dell'Act of Union e per l'emancipazione cattolica. O'Connell, uomo di legge, ripudiava l'uso della forza e condusse la sua campagna tramite numerosi comizi ai quali presero parte masse enormi di persone (furono infatti detti
della Pan American Petroleum and Transport Company per quanto riguarda la riserva petrolifera di Elk Hills. Entrambi i contratti di locazione vennero rilasciati senza offerte competitive, metodo permesso dal Mineral Leasing Act del
An Act to enable the people of the Eastern division of the territory northwest of the river Ohio to form a constitution and state government, and for the admission of such state into the Union, on an equal footing with the original States, and for other purposes
act xtv mxa ihz nsp udz xwc xcr twh ysw yix phd fwa kgn cih eys rnt ydt gyu hon xsg zjz tyd ucm ynu hkw tjf iay rmc jos coy grl pin boo ahr scn wtj ygv nos zyd por swl nxd bkb mzb ayn wtt rbp jkz jhc ajm
I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man like any other. Therefore I act like a man and confess to loving those dear to me more than other men. You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled. I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect, for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George.
a vietare l'importazione di prodotti derivanti dalla pesca della Nuova Zelanda, che ha messo in pericolo la sopravvivenza dei delfini di Maui. La base per questo stop dovrebbe essere il Marine Mammal Protection Act, una legge che mira a ridurre le catture accessorie di
, atto normativo con cui il Regno scozzese rispose all'emanazione dell'Act of Settlement (di soli tre anni prima), giustificato dalla circostanza che alla morte di Anna Stuart anche il trono scozzese sarebbe rimasto vacante. L'Act of Security prevedeva che, alla morte di Anna, i membri del Parlamento avrebbero dovuto nominare un successore protestante discendente dei re scozzesi: inoltre, a meno che alcune condizioni economiche, politiche e religiose
, con cui si avviavano le procedure per ridurre considerevolmente il commercio e la libera circolazione dei beni tra i due paesi, a meno che non venisse abrogato l'Act of Security o fosse approvato un atto di unione tra i due regni. Soprattutto a causa delle drammatiche condizioni economiche del regno scozzese (dovute principalmente al rovinoso tentativo di stabilire una
Numerose leggi e regolamenti riguardano la conservazione e l'uso dei dati. Negli Stati Uniti queste includono le leggi sulla privacy o sulla protezione dei dati, lo standard PCI DSS (Payment Insurance Industry Data Security), l'HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), il
; but, as such, it is logically faulty and all he wishes to convey is this: Oblivious of the suffering to which life is subject, man begets children, and is thus the cause of old age and death. If he would only realize what suffering he would add to by his act, he would desist from the procreation of children; and so stop the operation of old age and death.
held that the State of California, or any government entity which derives its power from the State, cannot enforce a copyright in any record subject to the Public Records Act in the absence of another state statute giving it the authority to do so. This applies even if there is a copyright notice, so long as the State of California or one of its agencies (other than those listed above) is indicated as the copyright holder.
Fifthly. It is ordained that the Cross shall only be awarded to those officers and men who have served Us in the presence of the enemy, and shall have then performed some signal act of valour or devotion to their country.
Thirteenthly. It is ordained that in the event of a gallant and daring act having been performed by a squadron, ship's company, or detached body of seamen and marines not under fifty in number, or by a brigade, regiment, troop or company in which the admiral, general, or other officer commanding such forces may deem that all are equally brave and distinguished, and that no special selection can be made by them, then is such case the admiral, general, or other officer commanding, may direct that for any such body of seamen or marines, or for every troop or company of soldiers, one officer shall be selected by the officers engaged for the Decoration, and in like manner one petty officer or non-commissioned officer shall be selected by the petty officers and non-commissioned officers engaged, and two seamen or private soldiers or marines shall be selected by the seamen, or private soldiers, or marines engaged, respectively for the Decoration, and the names of those selected shall be transmitted by the senior officers in command of the Naval force, brigade, regiment, troop, or company, to the admiral or general officer commanding, who shall in due manner confer the Decoration as if the acts were done under his own eye.
Il principale vantaggio di questi act era nel numero di volontari ottenuti per timore dell'impressment. Per evitare l'impressment, alcune reclute si mutilavano tagliandosi indice e pollice della mano destra, in modo da non poter usare un
on civilian craft and the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) units on military craft. These units transmit a coded signal back to the SSR identifying the aircraft and giving its altitude, so this information appears on the radar screen of the air traffic controller. This SSR uses an LVA (large vertical array) antenna. It consists of a series of vertical waveguides with slots cut in them which act as radiators. This type of phased array antenna has better control of energy radiated at low angles, preventing ground reflections that cause nulls in the radiation pattern which can result in an aircraft not being detected.
ha poi rifiutato di occuparsi del caso, l'amministrazione Abercrombie ha rimosso la maggior parte dei residenti nell'area del COFA dal Med-QUEST, trasferendo le persone all'interno dei piani Affordable Care Act.
Diverse preoccupazioni, sia teoriche che empiriche, sono sorte in risposta all'ascesa dell'ACT. Una delle principali preoccupazioni teoriche era che i primi autori dell'ACT e delle corrispondenti teorie sul comportamento umano, la Relational Frame Theory (RFT) e il contestualismo funzionale (FC), raccomandassero il loro approccio per qualsiasi condizione di disagio psicologico, suggerendo l'ACT come il proverbiale Santo Graal delle terapie psicologiche.
, che vietava alle donne cinesi di immigrare negli Stati Uniti, il Chinese Exclusion Act fu la prima legge attuata per impedire a tutti i membri di uno specifico gruppo etnico o nazionale di immigrare
. Anche dopo il passaggio in legge del progetto di riforma del servizio civile i fautori dell'Act continuarono a dubitare fortemente nei riguardi dell'impegno assunto da Arthur a riformare il sistema vigente
e la fine della seconda guerra boera. All'inizio il governo sembrava favorito dalla situazione politica generale: il partito liberale continuava ad essere profondamente disorganizzato sulla questione coi Boeri. I due cardini principali attorno ai quali era intenzionata a ruotare la nuova amministrazione erano l'estensione del nuovo Education Act a
e l'Irish Land Purchase Act, col quale il Cancelliere dello Scacchiere britannico avrebbe favorito un avanzo di capitale per permettere ai lords irlandesi di acquistare terreni. Un successo dell'amministrazione Balfour fu la fondazione del
It is my hope that you, user of your project, editor, sysop or ambassador, act as a gateway for the news that you read in Wikizine for your wiki. Inform your local community about the news in your own language. If you do that then Wikizine has succeed in his mission.
Ogni ulteriore uso, come ad esempio notifiche e/o comunicazioni su MAIL verranno immediatamente considerate SPAM, grazie anche ad un ultimo act statunitense, e trattate dunque sotto termine penale. Lo posso esigere per LEGGE, anche se posso aspettare di non confermare la sottoscrizione via mail inviatami sul mio web mail account
Because customers must provide the service with their username and password, there exists the inherent risk of having your account highjacked. In some cases, customers have found their passwords changed without their consent. This is often a stalling tactic used when the account it being cleaned out. To regain access to their account, the customer must often reset their password; assuming it has not been deleted. When the customer does regain access, they may find that their gear, money, and other inventory is missing. In such a scam, the employee assigned to level up the character has used their access to transfer their customer's gear to a different, unknown account in the game. If multiple characters are connected to the same account, they may clean out all of the characters' inventories to which they have access, in an act which amounts to the theft of virtual property.
When such a fraud is perpetrated, the customer may have little recourse in getting their inventory back. Due to the location of many of these companies, and the fact that their usage is against the policies of many MMORPG's, there is sometimes no one to which the customer can lodge an effective complaint. Appealing to the game company itself to act as an intermediary is often ineffective, since they clearly warn players about giving out their username and password information. Trying to lodge a complaint with the game company regarding powerleveing fraud may even result in the cheated customer getting their account suspended for breaking the game company's password policy.
e rilegge e recupera in chiave moderna l'intera tradizione musicale afroamericana. Le loro performances sono dei veri e propri live act dove ogni musicista concorre alla eseczione del brano portando le sue idee sonore, i balli, i canti e i variopinti costumi etnici.
) e del trasporto ferroviario mediante la gestione delle linee Reggio-Ciano, Reggio-Sassuolo e Reggio-Guastalla. Sono di gestione ACT anche i parcheggi scambiatori per il centro (con servizio gratuito di Minibus e noleggio bici) e il noleggio di veicoli a zero emissioni (elettrici). Il traffico privato su gomma insiste particolarmente sulla
is the deferment or avoidance of an action or task which requires completion by focusing on some other action or task. For the person procrastinating, this can result in a loss of productivity, stress and a sense of guilt. The act of reading this article may be considered procrastination by certain employers whose employees are not permitted to view non-job related websites on the internet. While it is normal for individuals to procrastinate to some degree, it becomes a problem when it impedes normal functioning. Chronic procrastination may be a sign of an underlying psychological or physiological disorder.
Tutti i dati sono automaticamente, anche se accuratamente raccolti da fonti di pubblico accesso. Le frasi vengono selezionate automaticamente e non sono destinate ad esprimere le nostre opinioni. Il contenuto e le opinioni espresse sono esclusivamente a nome degli autori delle frasi.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina:
12 Gennaio 2022